Squirrels or whatever

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Jan 16, 2001
Reaction score
Levittown, PA
Some type of rodent has chewed my engine/air conditioning wires not once, but three times now. First repair was done at dealer at a cost of $488. Husband has repaired other times. Have set out traps/poison etc. to no avail. Guess its time to build a garage! Any helpful hints out there to deter these critters; can't catch them all.
Throw your leftovers in your neighbors yard.

I live with about 3000 squirrels and don't have this issue... nuts hidden in my bumper yes, no chewing (we feed them well).

Occasionally a peanut flys out of my radiator fan and knocks me in the head, but they are far less deadly than the walnuts which shoot out of the exhaust and break windows. I kneecapped someone once while warming up the trac.

Cats can get sick from messing with rodents, and pass it on to your family with a scratch.

Find a good exterminator to place large rat poison baits around your property. Make sure your garbage cans seal tight, and if there's any spillage wash the area well.
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It's probably squirrels. Had a friend here in Philly area that has them constantly eating the rubber coating off his BBQ grill propane tank's regulator hose....to the point they put a hole in it.

Build the garage...that's my best advice.

I have a spare 30X30 Garage I built last year. Vinyl siding, dimensional shingles, concrete foundation, I have just over $8000.00 in it and I did everything but the foundation.
Like Coastiejoe I also have a 30-30, but mine puts holes in things. Probably a bit much for a squirrel...won't leave much for the meat pot. :)
Leave a bowl of anti-freze under the truck,, will do the trick!....

Todd Z
I had the same problem when I lived in north florida.

I found that once you shoot 10 to 15 of the squirrels the rest will tend to stay away.

Ruin an “auxiliary� wire from the positive side if the battery along the area of interest. Coat it with a bit of honey. Squirrel will complete circuit.
Thanks for the replies; most replies being funny. Just finished latest repairs thanks to my husband. Engine area covered with sticky traps and rat poison. Will hate to see that sight in the morning, ugh! Will let you all know what happens.

Poison and traps are a bad idea because they don't discriminate. They'll kill everything that comes near (pets, birds, etc.) - not just the culprits.
could be a jealous ridgeline owner...

seriously though, squirrel, mice/rats or even raccoons *they are mischievious too*

motion light or something that makes noise activated by motion...seen something like this for cats. Good luck
I just had an idea. A cat leash, an old hungry tom cat, and the cat leashed to the bumper of the Trac each night.

Just remember to unhook him in the morning before going to work. Sure, the first mile or so his little legs might keep up, but after that...

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Update: Have seen obvious signs critter was back (didn't eat wires) yesterday. Comes iaround in the morning after 9 am. Checked under hood again this morning and no activity. Will check again later.