stupid military rules

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James B 3

Active Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Turbeville, SC
Please read the following story and respond if you feel you support the possition. Please understand for those of you that may get on a rant about the animals we have here that need adopting I understand that. I work with doberman rescue here in SC. However, these are animals that these guys and gals have had as pets and has prob. kept some of them from becoming a basket case because of what they see and do.

Please do not turn this into a political issue of support or not support our troops. This is clearly just an appeal to those that support the troops in this issue.


Im such a dog person, and being an animal lover its pretty hard to understand this policy:

It is against military regulations for active duty troops to befriend animals - Soldiers can face immediate court-marshal and some even see their animals brutally murdered by a direct gunshot to the head from commanding officers who will not bend the rules.

I'm sure they have their reasons for it though.

This soldier put herself in a tough spot, but rules are rules. It would be nice to see the US military recognize the therapy value of animal companionship.
The problem is if this topic is researched you will see that already several (and I don't want to use any numbers) dogs/cats have been put through and came home with thier new masters. This seems to me more a commander that is and A@@ than anything else.

I'm guessing the rule is put into place so the animals don't give away the military's location when they are on a mission. If they are hiding out to take out some militants, this dog could start barking and alert the bad guys, hence maybe leading to Soldier deaths.
There is some logic. Iraq is a very dangerous place. You are not allowed to have family visits. Even if your own spouse is located in the same place you are not allowed to have sex. Relationships outside of professional relationships may be considered against orderly conduct. It is a war afterall. Having a pet seems to violate the general idea of no unprofessional relationships. Of course a dog could save your life by finding a IED you would not otherwise find, but it could also put you in danger from disease (I am sure there aren't many vets there), or cause some sort of accident.
As a 'NAM army vet. I understand military rules. On the other hand 2 of us adopted a puppy for our compound. We named him after our unit commander "Sadler". Him and my imediate commander took up with the pup also. We took him over to the AF base dog kennel and got his shots. The dog became part of all of us. When I left I had the vacination papers transfered to one of our vietnamese cidg soldiers. He promised me he would take the dog home as a family pet, when the unit broke up. Iam sure he kept his word. He was a good man and was very fond of the dog also.

I have to think it is the commander being unwilling to bend rules. Especially since mine didnt care our dog was named after him and let us keep him.
Goodness, if only the Commanders enforced some of those other laws regarding human life and crimes against human life .... guess this one policy makes much more sense...

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"It is against military regulations for active duty troops to befriend animals"

Try telling that to any Air Force military working dog handler. I have read numerous articles about soldiers bringing animals home through the appropriate channels.

"some even see their animals brutally murdered by a direct gunshot to the head from commanding officers who will not bend the rules"

Hmmm, not sure how valid this statement is. Almost everyone I know would call for an investigation over something of this nature. There have already been charges against military members for such actions during the past 5 years.
I know what this all sounds like, and it is in fact, without a doubt, an @$$hole CO. Even if this soldier was the worst soldier in the universe and they were trying to punish her, there are much better and more effective ways than this, thereby making the CO an even bigger @$$hole.

"some even see their animals brutally murdered by a direct gunshot to the head from commanding officers who will not bend the rules"

Any CO acting this way must not value their career, life, or general safety. I can't think of a faster way to lose the respect and admiration of your superiors, peers, and subordinates.

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