stupidity on air intakes

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Ron N

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Dalhart, TX
Ok, now that I announced it. Several months ago. ok, about 5 months ago, I started a test on a home made turdo nador in my air intake. This is almost embarrising, I Was gonna start a test on one for a tank full of gas. I wanted to test one for others on here, about the questions on installing an induction air swirrling mechanism. You know to answer all questions type deal. So I made it two different ways. One to swirl the air inside, the main vains inside, and one to swirl the air outside of it, while the inside let air pass thru. Now the stupidity. I forgot about it being inside the air intake after the second tank full. My gas milage did not increase,MATTER OF FACT IT WENT DOWN. But after I took it out I did see a change in the air intake temps. From going to a +, - 3 degrees intake temp, to a +,- 6 degree intake. I guess the metal kept the temp closer. But the gas milage went down. So I hope that any questions later on the tornado or what ever it is called, can be referenced to this post. Go with a true outside air intake,such as the one Todd Sales, or build your own. But do not try one of those things that installs in the air intake._Ron
Way to go. Finally someone that took the product, wasted thier time and money, actually tested it, and found out the facts that we have all known all along. It's a great paperweight.:D

Really though, just kidding before, good info Ron. Thanks.;)
money spent on invention- after supper green bean can 0.00 dollars

Money spent on extra gas 20.00 dollars. Lesson learned, No one will listen hahahaha

No kidding. I hear ya. People will always fall for the hype of things like this. Promising this and that and no matter what people that have actually tried these things and not getting the results as forecast, they think, "well it would probably work in mine". Well, to them I say, "jump off the cliff, it won't hurt".:D;)
Good testing Ron, it does feel good to take the time and test some things.

Don't want to hijack the post.. So I created a New post above...

Todd Z

P.S thanks for the plug... :lol::lol:
It makes ya wonder (or not) about the people on the Speed Channel, like 2 Guys Garage, that actually push this crap get their info; it's certainly not from personal experience. I found it hard to beleive that a local speed shop ( is actually selling the Tornado. :huh::eek: