Teachers may carry guns in Texas! OH MY

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Frank screwyourednecks

Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
Munster, IN
Texas school district to let teachers carry guns!

HOUSTON - A Texas school district will let teachers bring guns to class this fall, the district's superintendent said on Friday, in what experts said appeared to be a first in the United States.

I personally think teachers should be able to handle thier students. If they cannot, maybe smaller class sizes are appropriate. You would think that inner-city Chicago. or N.Y. would need this, not a small town Texas district. But, thats the way Texas is. Original. Old fashioned, and maybe a little behind the times. What do you think??

I have no problem with letting teachers or any other workers carry guns in the workplace.

Consceal and Carry is a very good thing.

I'll bet there'd be less shootings if the shooters knew that several folks in the place had weapons.

I agree with Gavin, it's rediculous that we even have to consider such measures but it's a sign of the times. I would rather a licensed teacher have a gun just in case the need arises, than have a whole school of innocent people in jeopardy because some kid decides they want to get revenge one day.
The second biggest joke is a "gun free zone".

In other words, nobody here that will be able to protect themselves.

It is a good idea. Gun free zones goes on the premise that everybody will obey the law. A criminal by nature will disobey a law. That is why he/she is a criminal. When a criminal comes, they have the means to protect themselves.

Have a good one

Yeah, it's the sign of the times......I'm all for the idea as well.

Just hope we don't hear of some teacher freaking out cus his/her class is being disruptive and they pull out their guns to try to regain control.

In my day, we only had swat paddles
Frank, my wife is a texas teacher the problem is they dont allow the teachers to properly discipline the kids. They are so afraid of law suits that even the principal tells little johny or betty stop that. Now go back to class. Johny go home tells mom or dad. The next morning the parents meet the teacher at the door cussing the teacher out.

My wife has taken chains outfited for fighting away from 3rd graders. The only thing she hasnt taken away from 5th graders is a gun. Some teachers have had that experiance though.

My wife is 5ft tall and has had 5th graders bigger than her, from bad nieghborhoods team up on her. When she able to get them to the principal, administration did not do "crap".

Now that you think we here in texas are behind times. Tell us something wrong in your state. Apparently you dont have clue as to what todays teachers put up with.

I hope you are not one of those parents that cuss the teacher, without all the facts..

To answer your question I would not have a problem if my wife carried..I have worried about her safety for years. She has been asaulted,more than once. The kid got to sit in the office the rest of the day. She had one kid ticketed by the sheriff. She caught hell from the principal and parents.
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I bet there won't be any school shootings in Texas now.

Like any concealed carry situation, it's not that EVERYONE has to be packing. Simply the threat that YOU DON'T KNOW who might be packing is part of the whole the idea.

I almost always have a 9mm on me somewhere. Where it is depends on what I'm wearing.

You would never know. ;)

Once again, you have proven how "out of touch" you are.

An associate is an accomplished marksperson, a ccw holder, and a teacher. She has to leave her weapon at home, as guns are illegal in a school free zone, even if they are in her car. I guess the government will "protect" her while she travels to and from her workplace. After all, when a crime is perpetrated, just call 911, the law will be there in ten minutes...:huh:

You really should get out in the world and stop the infatuation with the liberals. I guess the "new" adminstration will "fix" all this though.

Eddie, I applaud Texas. Texas started the ccw laws, I hope this expands as that did. Those that disagree can live in CA, NJ or Mass.

Ken (aka GLOW WORM) :D

I'm not a native Texan, I just got here as fast as I could. Give those teachers what ever they need to do their job. And for goodness sakes, can we pay them a little better?
Custom Shop Kimber 45 or Wilson Combat 45 considered part of my wardrobe.

They should have had them at Columbine.
And for goodness sakes, can we pay them a little better?

Maybe in Texas. Up here in the northeast they make TOO much money and the schools don't have any money left for anything else. On top of that, here in PA the pension windfall the governor gave the teachers' union is obscene. [/off-topic rant]
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Anyone who opposes teachers carrying firearms either doesn't have children or shouldn't have children. I can't imagine any responsible parent not wanting everything being done to protect their children when they're in the care of others.

Google "Pearl High School shooting." In 1997, Luke Woodham entered Pearl High School in Pearl, MI with a rifle. He killed two students, and wounded many others. (Prior to his visit to the school, he also somehow managed to kill his own mother WITHOUT a gun, which doesn't really seem possible...aren't guns the only way people can kill other people?)

The Assistant Principal, Joel Myrick, a law abiding citizen, did the "right thing" and parked his vehicle outside of the "gun free zone" (which clearly did not stop Woodham, strangely enough) because he had a handgun in the car.

Once he became aware of the gunman, he ran 1/4 mile in each direction to retrieve his firearm, return and subdue (BUT NOT SHOOT!) the gunman, restraining him until law enforcement arrived.

There's no telling how many lives Myrick saved that day. There's also no telling how many lives he could have saved by having his gun on his person at the time of the shooting.

The likelihood that this shooting would have never occurred if teachers at this school were carrying is practically guaranteed.

Ironically, Myrick BROKE THE LAW by bringing his gun into the "gun free zone." Our asinine and ineffective laws turned this HERO into a CRIMINAL. For what? A false sense of security? A misplaced sense of "doing the right thing?"

This scenario has repeated itself a number of times in this country. How many more times does it have to happen before the gun-grabbers get it? More importantly, why does it have to happen more than once (or even once, for that matter)?
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Texas school district to let teachers carry guns!

HOUSTON - A Texas school district will let teachers bring guns to class this fall, the district's superintendent said on Friday, in what experts said appeared to be a first in the United States.

I personally think teachers should be able to handle thier students. If they cannot, maybe smaller class sizes are appropriate. You would think that inner-city Chicago. or N.Y. would need this, not a small town Texas district. But, thats the way Texas is. Original. Old fashioned, and maybe a little behind the times. What do you think??

I personally think you are completely out of touch with is going on in America Frank.

I think Texas does alot of things better than other states, mainly the death penalty!!

People in Texas have had enough of these idiot kids, and are finally going to make it stop.

Well since you are in love with Obama, you might be able to help ban guns from all americans.:wacko:

Teens are not just teens anymore in the city. In some areas of cities, kids only know street thug life. The kids that are not street thugs don't feel safe just as the teachers do not feel safe. Teachers have a right to feel safe and protect themselves and other students that are not street thugs. Folks need to think outside the box more like Texas does. It is a war in Jr and Sr high schools and some colleges across the country, whether you want to realize it or not.
It's one tiny school district in the Texas panhandle that is allowing this. It's a very rural community not at all like a big city school district.

I wouldn't have a problem if larger school districts followed but it's unlikely to happen. To many politics in the big cities to hurdle.
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