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mark maceda

Feb 13, 2006
Reaction score
manila, CA
C:\Documents and Settings\Earl\My Documents\My Pictures\20060919
I see that the picture you are trying to post was taken on September 19th, 2006, so

your time coding is correct. Other than that obvious observation, I have no idea how to

post pictures, myself! But I would like to learn how!;)
My Daughter is going to College to be a C.S.I. Photo Visual Analasyst, or something like

that! She and I talk over things like this when she does her homework, and needs someone

to play the "Devil's Advocate". Just as I had previously analyzed a post with picture, of

someone's 'Trac sitting at the curb in front of their house. Looked for all of the landmarks,

street signs, waypoints, etc...Things you don't even think of that will show up in your

pictures, but will give you away, every time! I believe I narrowed it down to Crestbruck Park,

in Ankeny, IA., and even the street, but for respectful/security purposes, I did not post his

actual street address.

Gotta be careful, nowadays!:cool:;)