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Shaun Tucker

Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
London, ON
I don't know why, but this week has been unusually painful. There have been a few slow days at work, and I've been having to deal with some real dum-dums.

Somedays I just feel like saying SCREW IT ALL :fire:

I, for one, am glad its the weekend. I plan on getting up to the cottage this weekend for a nice big BBQ.

What about you?

Taking the girls out to my buddy's farm for some horse riding. Then we're gonna sit back, drink, and grill. I'm with ya, this week's been rough. The weather's supposed to be amazing, can't wait.
After most of the week being wet and/or in the 30's, today is sunny and in the 60's. Grilling time! Maybe I'll go to Olson Meats and get some Angus ribeye steaks.

Have you ever tried Louie's Finer Meats and their various Brats? I've got some family that now lives in Baldwin as well, (prev. in Star Prarie), but they got me addicted to AppleWursts. I'm grilling up some this weekend!!! (but you can never go wrong with a Ribeye- best grilling steak!) Checking out their website though, they have numerous other ones that sound tasty. Also, have you run in to Jim Daddies BBQ sauce at all? I tend to buy 3-4 bottles when I'm visiting my grandma. I heard there was a restaraunt in Baldwin that serves it, but I haven't run into it yet.
Never tried Louie's. I'll admit that I'm partial to Olson's, who also make about 24 different bratwurst, including applewurst.

Jim Daddies is owned and operated by my cousin. I remember when he was bottling in a Menard's one-car garage that he and I built for the "new venture." He has a BBQ supply shop in downtown Baldwin that also serves noontime meals. I'm not sure which restaurant serves it, but you can buy it in some grocery stores. I thought County Market was going to stock it. I know Super Valu does.
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Maybe I'll have to try Olsun's sometime. That's cool it's your cousin. Tell him the bbq sauce is awesome. Namely the Hickory/Original flavor, I haven't tried the other ones yet though. I've got a lot of MN people hooked on it too so I have to make sure I bring a few bottles back for them too... Which Reminds me I'm down to my last bottle, I'll have to pick up some next time I'm there.

Louie's is up in Cumberland, but my Grandpa would drive up once a month to buy some meat. Then the BP station by their old house started to sell it so they'd just go there. They have over 47 brat flavors. The BP didn't sell too many, but I keep meaning to take a road trip to buy some different flavors there. Great, Now i'm Hungry!!:supercool:
Also, where is the supply house in Downtown? My grandma's been trying to find where she can have the lunch he serves. She's been there for about a year so far so i'm not too familiar with it yet.
47 flavors. We're spoiled here. In most of the country, all they can get is that industrial Johnsonville stuff, if at all.
The store is called BBQ UniverCity and it's at 748 Main St. between Klinker's Corner bar and the laundromat.
I'll have to check that out! You're right, the brats from over there are very good! The other WI thing that a lot of people from even in MN miss out on is chocolate Cheese!
Yes, you're right...and a week later, you still are.

Thankfully Thursday is my Friday. Work needs to end for the week, I'm beginning to feel like something of a supernumerary there, for better or for worse.

I feel like its friday right now! I just watched the Montreal Canadiens beat the Washington Capitals for the first game of the best of seven and god dangit I just could NOT put down the beer the whole game. WHAT A FRICKIN GAME!!!!

God I love the playoffs, and once again TGI-FRIGGIN-F

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