The Fitch Fuel Catalyst

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My take on this Fitch Catalyst is that ir may help prevent fuel from going stale...Then again, it may not do anything?

If we assume that the catalyst does help keep the fuel from oxidizing and going stale, then any increase in MPG or performance may just be due to using a fresher fuel? I know as much as I fill my tank, and how bus the gas stiaion is were I buy gas, I don't really see how the fuel can get stale and need to be rejuvenated??

It might have some potential for seasonal vehicles like lawn mowers, snow blowers, RV's etc. If you fill up every 7-10 days, your fuel is not going to get stale.

If stale gas is such a problem, it's much cheaper to just buy a small bottle of Stabil. That's about $2 vs $200 or more for the Fitch Fuel Catalyst.

I also question why they dont't really show the test results from the Defense Department, or the EPA so we can see exactly what their reports show. I also question why the device only has a 90 day warranty...It would take longer than that for the gas in your tank to go stale?? The warranty appears to have too many restrictions or limitations which does not live up to the hype.

I a gree that a catalyst can chemically change a liquid or a gas, but not knowledgable enough in chemistry to say this will or will not work, however some of the criticisms for others who seem to know about the chemistry seem to question their claim of converting carbon molecules to long carbon chains?? The question comes from their claim that it does that to alcohol too, which only contains a single carbom molequle so how are they chained??

Personally, I always wonder why they would want to market the device on their own. If it actually works, the car manufacturers would be clammering to buy the pattent and rights to add this device to their products. I don't believe there is any conspiricy by the car manufacturers to keep products like this off the market if they actually did work.

I think there is probably a very small grain of truth about the catalytic actions of this device, but it is being hyped way out of proportion to capitalize on peoples gullibility when fuel prices are high. I'm sure anyone could make claims about a pill that added to a tank of gas will improve mileage and HP, and if you charged enough money fo rit, people will dirve more sensebly and watch their fuel milage closer, and sure enough, they will see an improvment. The improvment had nothing to do with the device or magic pill added to the gas, it's just that they were driving with a more economic mind set because they wanted to get better mileage, and that's what they got.


There is a magic pill for the gas tank, it's called a moth ball.

I haven't tried it, but I do remember my father talking about it.

If anybody has more on this I would like to refresh my memory.

new Chad
I expect to hear that Dingo gets around 8 mpg on his truck with this device since he said he gets around 7 with the zooooom factor.

There is a magic pill for the gas tank, it's called a moth ball

Along that thinking......maybe if you put a few capsules of St. John's Wart into your gas, your truck will develop a better attitude ;)

I am probably as old, or older than your dad and heard all the hype about mothballs.

They were not claimed to give better mileage, but more HP....Like everything else, that has been proven to be totally false, but if someone believes it will work, they actually can feel more power, just like people get better mileage because they are just subconsciencely driving to save gas and they do.

If you could put these devices on peoples vehicles without them knowing when it had the device installed and when it didn't, and simply told them to drive to save gas, they would improve their mileage with and without the device and there would not be any sifnificant difference in gas mileage.


a guy i kno said he would use mothballs when he was younger to race.

he would add 1mothball per gallon to increase the octane.

then he said hed spend the next day replacing seals and gaskets that got burned out cuz of his octane being way above where it should be....

never tried it... and never plan to...

and as for those who dont think the fitch product will work.. y not just wait for dingo to post results??? pretty sure we can trust the man...;)
Richard, you are right I remember now it was for horsepower.

Reaper, you mentioned racing, I do believe that is the context my father was talking about because he and my uncle used to race a "55" chevy on an 1/8th and 1/4 mile track.

And it didn't matter about tearing down the motor they did that after every race anyway.

new Chad

Increasing octane does not increase horsepower. Increasing octane only allows you to increase the amount of timing advance without getting into spark-knock. It'.s just as easy to buy higher octane gas, and in those days Sunoco 260 was the highest octane pump gas and it worked fine on my 65 GTO with nearly 11:1 compression ratio

So unless the car was retuned to run on higher octane gas, there was no advantage...People just thought adding moth balls to your gas tank was all it took to get more power...:lol::lol::lol:


just going by his story.... like i said i wouldnt even try it... so yea... i dont even use octane boosters....

just seafoam =]
I've heard the mothball thing, the acetone thing, the magnet thing, many other things. They're all crap.

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