The ??? of the day " What is a Bachelor Pad

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In Memoriam 1950-2022
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Pasadena, TX
All the house plants are dead. But there is something growing in the refrigerator...:bwahaha:
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There's an empty dresser and closet but clothes are stacked on top or hung from the curtain rod for easy identification and a quick pull and dress.

There are in fact 10 pillows for the bed but they are on the ground for the dogs.

The bed is made. There's a fitted sheet on the mattress, one pillow and a sheet crumpled at the foot of the bed in case it gets chilly.

The kitchen is perfectly stocked. Two freezers of venison and chicken, orange juice, sweet tea and beer in the fridge and one whole shelf dedicated for the box of leftover pizza.

There are some things I miss about being a bachelor.:bwahaha:
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You keep an extra toothbrush, but throw it away after your guest has left. ;)
I take offense. I am a bachelor since my wife died 5 years ago. I have several nice large plants that are living and thriving in my living room. There is nothing growing in my refrigerator, nor does it contain any beer, or left over pizza typically gets cleaned out about once a week. It does contain one bottle of wine, lots or veggies and salad fixings, and a few left over chicken pieces that I roasted.

My bed is made up on most days, and my house is generally clean and neat. I have been keeping it clean myself since I bought the house about 2.5 years ago. In the last month, I have hired a housekeeper to do a thorough cleaning every 2 weeks, just to be sure I am not missing something.

While all the furnishings are new and modern which is my taste, I don't really want it to look like a bachelor's pad....I want women to feel comfortable in my house even though it may not look like how they would decorate.....I have actually gotten a lot of compliments from women that they love my house, decorating skills :)grin:) and how clean I keep my house.

I am not really offended, and thought most post were very funny, and probably typical of most bachelor pads....but then, most men who live alone are slobs.


I take offense (I'm offended) that you are bringing down the pure meaning of being a bachelor. You have live not plastic plants, nothing is growing in the fridge, no beer, no pizza and your bed is made. Wine, veggies, salad fixings , roasted chicken and complements from women that love you decorating skills. Un-bachelor like, go out, kill a animal or catch a fish, set it on the AC to sun dry, make your own beer and have a party.

I could go on and on but my wife says I have to vacuum now.


I know, I am a complete failure.....:sad:

Love your sense of humor...:bwahaha:


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My bachelor pad memories are college memories. we were always clean if not tidy and well decorated though. Those days are long gone. Cut some overtime today so I cleaned the kitchen, harvested the garden, put cayenne peppers in the dehydrator, made two jars of pepper relish, about to cut the lawn and then get ready for a rehearsal dinner. Haven't had a Paulaner in months. Hope they have beer and I can relive a manly moment for one night.
My bachelor pad memories are college memories. we were always clean if not tidy and well decorated though. Those days are long gone. Cut some overtime today so I cleaned the kitchen, harvested the garden, put cayenne peppers in the dehydrator, made two jars of pepper relish, about to cut the lawn and then get ready for a rehearsal dinner. Haven't had a Paulaner in months. Hope they have beer and I can relive a manly moment for one night.
I have a bachelor pad. But, it's that of a 51 year old professional. I have house plants and a couple of bird cages. There are pictures on the wall. The only outright signs that I live alone are:

- I have a pile of dirty clothes on the bedroom floor. When it gets to the size of a load of laundry, I wash them.

- I don't make my bed every morning. It feels more comfortable that way.
OK, to restore my official standing as a "Real Bachelor", I took some drastic steps.

I farted, took off my apron, threw my clothes on the floor last night and refused to make my bed this morning. That should be enough to get me back in good standings with my fellow Bachelors.:cheeky: :grin:

Rich -- your good compared to me.

The best I can do is mismatch my socks in the drawer. Unless you can have a bachelor pad at the resthome, I'm done.

the only mess in my bachelor pad is on my "project table" where i have wiring and lighting truck parts scattered across it. For example the steering wheel cruise control module is in pieces so i can replace the light.
beer in the fridge and one whole shelf dedicated for the box of leftover pizza.

That doesn't ring true. No true bachelor bothers to refrigerate the leftover pizza. That's what coffee tables are for.

I actually prefer cold pizza over hot or room temperature. I hate reheated pizza.