The truth about "Joe Plumber"

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Aaron Yarbough

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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Plano, TX
McBush (oops...bad habit I meant McCain, sorry) has Joe the Plumber, and many other small business owners, scared to death that their taxes are going to skyrocket under Obama's plan. But once again CNN Money has done their homework and given the facts on McCains hugely overexageration of how Obama's tax plan will hurt small business owners like many of you. So with that being said read the article and relish in the truth, I surely do...
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Raising taxes on any business will result in lost jobs and higher prices.

McCain should have elaborated more on Ireland, which is one of the lowest as far as business tax.

Ireland has increased their economy by lowering taxes on business, which creates jobs.

Obama supporter...Have you ever been employed by a poor guy?

The businesses create jobs, we are overtaxing our businesses, they in turn are sending jobs overseas. Economics 101.

Get with it people!
And did anyone catch Obama saying to Joe "you have to spread your wealth around". That is the main reason I won't vote for him. I've worked hard all my life for my money. I'll be damn if I'm going to give it up to some lazy f*cker that prefers not to work.
CNN isn't the best source for news. They don't call it the Clinton News Network for nothing.

And did anyone catch Obama saying to Joe "you have to spread your wealth around". That is the main reason I won't vote for him. I've worked hard all my life for my money. I'll be damn if I'm going to give it up to some lazy f*cker that prefers not to work.

My wife said the same thing. She plans on changing her vote to McCain or third party.
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Did you pay to go to school? I'm not talking about college, but regular school. Should only those people who can afford school be able to go to school? Do you pay to have your kids (if you got 'em) to go to school? How about your neighbours?
Tiger. We are talking two completely different things and you know it. School taxes are paid through my property tax. Welfare is paid through my federal taxes. Obama wants to give tax rebates to people that don't even pay taxes. That's socialism and I don't want to see it.
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Give tax rebates to people who don't pay taxes? Is that anything like still fighting in a war that we've already won?

It's kinda interesting to see how little people actually understand economic concepts and candidate's standings on such issues.

If you think we already won the Global fight against islamic terror, you need to apply

for the Nobel peace prize. Those guys want to cut all our heads off still.

Even Franks head is at risk.

If you are referring to Bush aboard the USS Abraham saying mission accomplished.

Saddam needed to be ousted. WMD's were in Iraq, he gassed the Kurds.

The weapons most likely ended up in Syria in the desert, along with those F14 they


The constitution says we should have taxes and taxes should be apportioned equally and fairly. The current tax code is unconstitutional and should be abolished.

The Fair Tax should be adopted to bring back 12-15 Trillion dollars that are sitting abroad.

This money will shure up the economy.

Taxes on a Point of sale basis will encourage savings, which americans need to do more of.

Fair Tax will tax illegal aliens who pay no tax now, but are sucking the american taxpayers dry with emergency medical services, education benefits, and even social security benefits that the Democrats have voted into place for their votes. Yes why is it that someone that reaches social security age gets benefits without paying into the system their 40 quarters of work? Ask your Democrat legislator. The Fair Tax can even pay for that fence across the border we were promised.
They will ALWAYS want to cut our head off. Invading one country will not change that. Standing on an aircraft carrier and saying "...Major combat operations in Iraq have ended...." won't change that, particularly when major operations have not ended.

My point is simply this: The pot and kettle are both black.
The weapons most likely ended up in Syria in the desert, along with those F14 they


The did end up in Syria in 3 major underground bunkers. Also the Army found chem labs burried along the Syrian/Iraq boarder. Syrian journalists reported this for a fact, then ended up executed in a public shootings.

If anybody wants to see Iraq as a major failure in military policy, better look at Mogadishu under Defense Secretary Aspin.
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The strategic locations for Afghanistan and Iraq on either side of Iran is a major bonus that the media or even the current administration will not address. If Iran does go nuclear, and tries to strong arm Isreal or any other neighboring countries, hopefully we will have a foothold still in the region to deter this. Peace in the middle east has been touted by all the administrations for the past 50 years, only now do we have a stragtegic advantage to stablilze the region and perhaps sustain some kinda of order. We failed Afghanistan in the past when we ran the Soviets out, we cannot let these people down once again.

We need to spread democracy throughtout the world and they will understand and enjoy the freedoms we have to a certain degree. Despite their religeous beliefs, democracy can rule.

Peace and Freedom go hand in hand. A free people have more power than oppressed people. That's what we are fighting for. ask 20 million Iraqis the day they executed Saddam.

They are free of this tyrant and his sons.
It takes money to make money is an old addage, but it's true. There is a corallary to it, you can also have good credit and sound business plan to get a loan.... but according to the Drive By media, you can't get a loan to start a business (not necessarily the case).

Did you pay to go to school? I'm not talking about college, but regular school. Should only those people who can afford school be able to go to school? Do you pay to have your kids (if you got 'em) to go to school? How about your neighbours?

As stated above, we all have. Do you pay property tax? How about your parents when you were growing up? I did go to a private school for 1st-4th grade. WAY BETTER than the 'public' education that I got from 4th-12th grade (course, I went from liberal Illinois to insanely liberal Kommiefornica). I would send my kids to a private school in a heartbeat if there was one in my area that was non-catholic (it's my wife's requirement, not mine).

If I could be pro-choice and choose which school system to send my kids to and support with my vouchers, I can pretty much guarentee you that it won't be a standard public school. No way in you know where.

The "Mission Accomplished" banner was FOR THE AIRCRAFT CARRIER. That whole arguement is so distorted and full of BS that it's hardly worth talking about any more. When was the last time that anyone running for office even mentioned it? Why? Debunked. Once the polls showed that a majority of the people understood that it was for the A.C.C. and sailors aboard, it was a non-issue, except for the dolts that are unwilling and unable to think freely. Was it poorly featured as a backdrop? Should it have been clarified at the time? You betcha.

Anyone who says that they want to take something and spread it around is a Socialist. It's one of the defining points of Socialism, Marxism and Communism. The Constiution does give Congress the power to levy fair and equitable taxes. However, the current tax system is neither fair nor equitable.

Under the current tax system, you as an individual and as a businessman/woman or as a plumber are penalized for success. Proof? Why is it that the Top 10% of income earners in this country (individuals and businesses**) pay the lion's share of 85% of all income to the Us Goberment? **NOTE: Businesses do not pay taxes. It's not "more patriotic" to pay more taxes. If that is the case, why do Biden, Clinton, and Kerry take any deductions? Why do they itemize? Why not lead by example. Notice that Obama was not included because I have not seen anything on his tax returns since he has yet to release them as far as I know.
And it's amazing to me how people are so blinded by Obama's bullshit they don't even know where he stands on important issues. I suggest you study up on your candidate Tiger.

The heart of Obama’s tax cut proposal is in his use of refundable tax credits, which the Center describes as “credits available to eligible households even if they have no income tax liability” -- in short, refunds available even to those who don’t pay taxes. These refunds are claimed on tax returns and are paid to all taxpayers who qualify for them, regardless of whether they owe taxes or not. These refunds have the ability of reducing a taxpayer’s liability below zero, meaning they can get a refund without actually paying taxes.

I also believe in spreading the wealth around, except I would do it by growing my business and employing more people.

The government taking money from some people and giving it to other people is not prosperity.

I have one degree in economics and taught college economics for ten years. You might not be happy right now (I'm no fan of W either) but trust me, everything Obama is proposing will make things worse and not better.

Audio link to some funny Obama voters----V
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It just seems that as we get closer to Election Day, Obama is getting more and more over-confident and cocky, so his true Socialist/Marxist colors are beginning to show.

October 15, 2008 --

An unscripted moment with an Ohio plumber produced a startling confession from Barack Obama Sunday: The Democrat's "middle-class tax cut" is in fact a scheme to "spread the wealth around."

Obama dropped the mask long enough to tell the truth to Toledo plumber Joe Wurzelbacher - who had asked the Democratic nominee why he wanted to jack up his taxes just for "fulfilling the American dream."

"I'm getting ready to buy a company that makes $250,000 to $280,000 a year," Wurzelbacher had told Obama. "Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?"

"It's not that I want to punish your success," Obama replied. "I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success, too . . . When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

At last! The truth outs!

Obama's plan isn't about sinking hooks into Wall Street CEOs and other fat cats, as he usually says. Fact is, there's not enough of them to raise the cash necessary to finance his other grand plans.

No, to do that, he'll have to go after ambitious working-class guys like Wurzelbacher - who's been a plumber for 15 years and is looking to better himself and his family while just maybe creating a few jobs.

The American Dream?

Wurzelbacher personifies it - but Barack Obama seems determined to tax it to death and be done with it, period.

That's been the case all along, of course. What's different is that the Democrat finally said so.

Heretofore, Obama has sought to paint himself as a tax-cutter - claiming he'll slash taxes for 95 percent of Americans.

As we noted yesterday, that's a flat-out lie - not least because nearly half of all tax filers pay no income tax at all. So how can he "cut" their taxes if they don't pay any to begin with?

Answer: tax "credits."

To wit, in part:

* A $1,000 "make work pay" credit.

* A $4,000 college-tuition credit.

* A $6,000 child-care credit.

* A $1,100 bump in the earned-income tax credit.

These aren't to be income-tax deductions - which would be worthless to those who pay no income taxes.

These are to be checks from Washington - with the subsidies expected to grow to more than $1 trillion in 10 years.

That's a massive transfer of wealth.

How does Obama justify it?

"Fairness," he says.

But that's an absurdly radical view of what's "fair."


Remember, Obama's tax hikes target folks who already bear the brunt of the burden: The top 20 percent of earners already pay 69 percent of all federal taxes - and 88 percent of income taxes.

(Contrast that with John McCain's call yesterday for real tax cuts - halving the capital-gains levy, scrapping taxes on unemployment benefits altogether - designed to prime the economic pump.)

Monday, Obama promised a tax policy that would restore "a sense of fairness and balance that will give every American a fair shot at the American dream."

But just a day before, he told Joe Wurzelbacher the truth: No American dream for you, buddy!

Nor anybody else, it seems.
Hey R_shek

Under the current tax system, you as an individual and as a businessman/woman or as a plumber are penalized for success. Proof? Why is it that the Top 10% of income earners in this country (individuals and businesses**) pay the lion's share of 85% of all income to the Us Goberment?

Don't these same top 10% have 90% of the countries wealth?

It seems everyone here is for a flat tax, as it stands right now there will always be a discrepency in how taxes are paid. I just say you gotta decide what do you feel is the true economic engine here. Companies (many hiring oversea) or the middle class? They are both important and each need one another, but at this rate it will not be long before middle class people will not have any money to spend... Then what happens? So i think it is a philosophy of which way to get this country back on track. Not that either is diabolical...

My thoughts go something like if I make 60k a year and the government taxes 20% then that leaves me with 48k to live off... if you make 300k a year then you will take 240k.....

I think the guy making 240k is going to have a little less of a burden then the average american.. Socialism???? I dont know isn;t any tax sort of socialist?

Hey R_shek

Under the current tax system, you as an individual and as a businessman/woman or as a plumber are penalized for success. Proof? Why is it that the Top 10% of income earners in this country (individuals and businesses**) pay the lion's share of 85% of all income to the Us Goberment?

Don't these same top 10% have 90% of the countries wealth?

It seems everyone here is for a flat tax, as it stands right now there will always be a discrepency in how taxes are paid. I just say you gotta decide what do you feel is the true economic engine here. Companies (many hiring oversea) or the middle class? They are both important and each need one another, but at this rate it will not be long before middle class people will not have any money to spend... Then what happens? So i think it is a philosophy of which way to get this country back on track. Not that either is diabolical...

My thoughts go something like if I make 60k a year and the government taxes 20% then that leaves me with 48k to live off... if you make 300k a year then you will take 240k.....

I think the guy making 240k is going to have a little less of a burden then the average american.. Socialism???? I dont know isn;t any tax sort of socialist?


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