This oughta stir it up:

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Don Pertz

Active Member
Dec 7, 2006
Reaction score
Seneca, PA


Obama is the shepherd I did not want.

He leadeth me beside the still factories.

He restoreth my faith in the Republican party.

He guideth me in the path of unemployment for his party's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the bread line,

I shall fear no hunger for his bailouts are with me.

He has anointed my income with taxes,

My expenses runneth over.

Surely, poverty and hard living will follow me all the days of my life,

And I will live in a mortgaged home forever.

I am glad I am American,

I am glad that I am free.

But I wish I was a dog

And Obama was a tree.

This is Bush's fault, NOT Obama's.

Then the economy started to crumble under Bush's reign, everyone blamed it on Clinton. "It takes 4 years for anything a president does to take effect" is what everyone would say. 2 years into Obama's presidency, and nothing is Bush's fault, it is all Obama's.

Give me a break!!!

This is really getting old people.

I'll admit--it was funny. :)

But I wish I was a dog

And Obama was a tree

Actually, in a certain sense, that's exactly what's going on--the author is the dog, and Obama's the tree. From the dog's point of view, its griping and insulting is pissing on the tree. But everyone else can tell that from the tree's perspective, all the dog's piss is doing is fertilizing the tree and making it stronger.

An interesting read...
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Edited. Almost broke my own rule. Politics and MyST, dinner tables, holidays, etc. don't mix.

How about them Northern Iowa kids!
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No matter who's fault it is, it will ALWAYS fall onto the president that is in place.

That is just they American way. It gives us someone to point fingers at and blame. And in every case, they make it easy as no matter what they do, they will always open a door that allows us to say "YOU DID THIS WRONG..."

Such as with Obama, he has given BILLIONS of dollars out to bail many corporations out... How easy is it to blame him for all of the money given out...

Just the way it is...
The Community Reinvestment Act started with Clinton, Frank, Dodd, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of those nitwits....That incurred forcing bad loans by bank.

9/11 started with Clinton as well, when the first World Trade Center got attacked by the blind cleric.
The current state of our economy can't be blamed on just one person. A chain of events brought us to where we are now, starting with the passage of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) during the Carter years. Then, the Clinton Administration eased credit requirements under CRA even more during the '90's, pressuring Fannie Mae to approve mortgages to sub-prime borrowers.

In 2003, President Bush tried to reign in Fannie and Freddie's lax, risky lending policies, but was blocked by House Dems like Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Maxine Waters, who all denied that there was any kind of "crisis" or problem with Fannie & Freddie.

After the financial defecation struck the rotary oscillator and things started going down hill in 2007-2008, President Bush didn't help the situation by signing the TARP Act into law and bailing out the failing banks. They should've been allowed to fail. The market would've corrected itself and the economy would've begun to turn around much faster than it is right now.

The bottom line is that our economy is in it's current state because of too much gov't intervention/meddling in the private sector. If you look back in America's history, our economy has been very cyclical, with times of prosperity and "panic" (the common term prior to the Great Depression). And when these panics happened, the economy righted itself with little to no gov't intervention, until the Great Depression FDR's New Deal. The New Deal programs didn't help, but rather prolonged the Great Depression, and our current gov't "solutions" (TARP, Stimulus, Jobs Bill, Health Care Bill, etc.) aren't helping our economy either. They were/are about one thing and one thing only: An opportunity for gov't to seize ever more power over the lives of private citizens.:angry:

<A HREF="">Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending</A>

<A HREF="">Carter-Era Housing Policies Helped Spark Sub-Prime Crisis, Expert Says</A>

<A HREF="">Democrat fingerprints are all over the financial crisis</A>

<A HREF="">How FDR's New Deal Harmed Millions of Poor People</A>

<A HREF="">The Government and the Great Depression</A>

<A HREF="">FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate</A>

<A HREF="">How Government Prolonged the Depression </A>

The things in the poem all happened under the Bush admin.

Bud has a closed mind, short memory, and a penchant for trying to rewrite history.

People like you Bud, are hurting us all.

The things in the poem all happened under the Bush admin.

Bud has a closed mind, short memory, and a penchant for trying to rewrite history.

People like you Bud, are hurting us all.

Let's analyze this, shall we....


Obama is the shepherd I did not want. ( Even Hillary didn't want him to be President!)

He leadeth me beside the still factories. (I think GM started closing factories when "The Mistake" took them over...

He restoreth my faith in the Republican party. (Obama has done that)

He guideth me in the path of unemployment for his party's sake. (5% under Bush, 10% under The Mistake)

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the bread line, (Still happening)

I shall fear no hunger for his bailouts are with me. (Still Happening)

He has anointed my income with taxes, (Still happening)

My expenses runneth over. (Still Happening)

Surely, poverty and hard living will follow me all the days of my life, (To pay for Big Government)

And I will live in a mortgaged home forever. (unless you get forclosed on)

I am glad I am American, (like Michelle Obama)

I am glad that I am free. (Not for long)

But I wish I was a dog (adopted Greyhound for Gary S.)

And Obama was a tree. ("The Mistakes" approval rating lowest ever , and getting lower, Pelosi 11%, Reid 8%...)

I'm glad you left TrainTrac out of this....His FACTS must be more credible...:banana::cheeky: I like this one...:btddhorse:

Well interpret as you may (revisionist)

Here is the reality based interpretation...

Obama is the shepherd I did not want. (was swept into office due to Bush's ineptitude)

He leadeth me beside the still factories. (65 steel companies went BANKRUPT under the Bush admin).

He restoreth my faith in the Republican party. (You were probably holding the Mission Accomplished banner)

He guideth me in the path of unemployment for his party's sake. (recession is without any doubt a Bush product)

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the bread line, (Bush)

I shall fear no hunger for his bailouts are with me. (Bailout needed because of 8 years of failed economic policy)

He has anointed my income with taxes, (if you make over 250 k which I guarantee you that you dont Bud)

My expenses runneth over. (gas went to over 4 dollars a gallon during Bush administration)

Surely, poverty and hard living will follow me all the days of my life, (To pay for republican tax breaks for the wealthy)

And I will live in a mortgaged home forever. (This is a huge one Bud the mortgage crisis started when?? you are such an A**&Q%le)

I am glad I am American, (Bush administration created more anti American terrorists than any other single act in history)

I am glad that I am free. (Patriot act taking away many freedoms) (domestic spying authorized by George Bush)

But I wish I was a dog (Cheney lifted his leg and pissed on the Constitution.)

And Obama was a tree. (President Bush had the lowest approval ratings ever )

Too bad you cannot in your wildest dreams refute any of this. Go ahead and try to brainwash yourself and forget the last decade Bud. But anyone with an IQ higher than a brick of cheese can surely rermember why Barack Obama was elected. The George W. Bush' Administration. Bush was so bad that the people had to elect a black Muslim who wasnt even born in America!!! hahhahah you are such a redneck
Said Joe Paterno:

"Why can't we talk without calling each other names?" Joe asks. "I mean in the world. Everyone around, they scream at each other about politics or what's happening. Why can't someone just stand up and say, 'Why? How? When? What does it matter?' Let the power of the idea fight for itself."

Frank, I don't care about your political ideals. I care about basic civility. Grow the hell up.
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<img src="">

Frank, I don't care about your political ideals. I care about basic civility. Grow the hell up.

Frank, while I definitely sympathize with most of your message, I definitely need to agree with Adam and the others on this point. The name calling is uncalled for, and only undermines the rest of the message. (Maybe not quite as badly as the Tea Partiers yelling racial epithets hurt their message at the Health Care Reform debates and signing, but nonetheless...)
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