This will make you feel good about yourself

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Peter Vincent

Active Member
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Bronx, NY
Cheer up everyone, at least your not me:(

Every year for the past 3 years right around Christmas time I back into a fire hydrant. I thought this year was going to be the year I stopped that tradition (o well). Last night I did the deed. At least this year I didnt rip the bumper off. I guess maybe I feel bad for my body guy.
Back-up sensors might be a good investment for you. ;)
My wife was constantly backing into things with various cars and I used to get on her about it...then I backed into a friends car parked at the end of our driveway. No real damage other than scuffs, but it's easy. Especially if you have kids in the car distracting you as you back up. That, and the fact that I back out of my garage a thousand times a year and 990-some-odd times there is never a car parked back there.

It happens. Backup sensors are a good investment.
In NY it is a normal thing to back into something until you hit it then go the other way, just like parking.... Simply back into the car behind you then in front, then in back, turn the wheel and drive out of the parking space... LOL

Todd Z
LOL. When I was a teenager I had a habit of backing into things. To this day I'm paranoid to put my truck in reverse. :D
Not your fault.

The hydrant jumped into your path.

I know, for things have jumped into my path too, sneaky little devils. :blink:
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Go to the DMV and turn your license in. If you can't back out of the driveway without hitting something how are you going to make it up the road. Of course I would have to turn mine in as well. About 6 months ago I backed right into one of those big steel posts at Wal-mart. Not in blind spot the thing was sticking straight up for all the world to see, ( except me). This stuff happens all you can do is laugh.

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