to buy or not to buy

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lady j

Jan 9, 2006
Reaction score
new orleans , LA
is there anything i should look for in particular in buying a 2001 st with 90k miles. it seems to be in good condition. its being sold by a dealer so i really dont have any history info on it. i want a small pick up and this one is the cutest and most versatile. i lost a 95 mustang gt in hurricane katrina and i had a few problems but it was still hanging at 170k. i bought it at 108k and right after i bought it it would kill on me while driving or wouldnt start until it was ready. i dont want to have those problems if i can help it, but its hard to tell with used cars:rolleyes:
I agree with SST. The mechanic is the way to go. if not take it for a drive and do not turn on the radio. Listen to the engine and tranny. If the engine races between shifts, it has a tranny problem or old fluid in it. Good luck and let us know.;)
hello lady j i am also from the new orleans area what dealer is it at and i can pass by it tomorrow and look at it and see if their is any thing particular that stands out.
hey lady my advice is pull a car fax. and have a transmission specialist look at the tranny

i bought my sporttrac with 64,000 miles on it. and i bought it in aprial 8, 2005, and now it has 71,000 and i just had the tranny tore into. cause my OD lite came on so i took it in and they had to replace a inner tranny ceal . and that cost me 691 dollars. so make sure you have a very good mechanic check it out. so goodluck lady
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i would stay away from used cars in the South now.

Try to find the lineage of the vehicle, and if there is ANY chance it is a flood vehicle, run.

I speak from experience here in Houston.

When i was looking for an ST, I found one that was absolutley mint, 3 yrs old, but the price seemed low. After doing all my due dilegence the owner finally fessed up it was a flood vehicle, but said all he had to change was the tranny. and it was better than new now.


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