Today's Job

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I know you were not interested in the detail, but the truth is often in the details. If you were not aware that KL constantly knit-picks things I post here and always points and accusing finger. When I explain how he is wrong, he changes the subject and then refuses to reply.

I think that only KL knows what he meant, and should be willing to clarify his statements...He does not need you to act as his spokesman. If I had posted that same statement, You and KL would have been quick to ask for an explaination, or knit-pick the exact meaning of certain words.... as you often do. You constantly want people to explain what they meant by a certain word or phrase, or if they used improper grammar. Most of the people here use improper grammar from time to time and yet we can all understand what they said or meant.

Those who are anal about spelling and grammar seem to get caught up in the unimportant details of the English language that they ignore the message if the statement was not grammatically perfect...After all, this is not an English class or Law school.


I was not aware that you and KL seem to be having a tiff. Sorry you are upset.

The rest of your post above offends me on several levels and I will as always tell you why, directly. No pussy-footing around.

Here goes: I really don't like it when people pressume to know what I would or wouldn't do in a situation (a pet peeve of mine), or tell me what I should or shouldn't do (I'll be my own authority, thank you). I also don't know why you bring up the grammar Nazi crowd...I am not that. I do ask for people to explain something if it is unclear.

There is a difference between disagreeing with something someone says, or thinking they shouldn't have said it, and seeking clarity. I do the latter, from time to time. I will never seek clarity because I simply want someone to recant or to restate something I don't agree with. I respect people's opinions even if I don't agree with them.

If I got your panties in a twist in the past, I am sorry. But I am NOT sorry for anything I said or did on these boards today or yesterday, because I did nothing wrong.


Way to stir the pot. LOL.

I've not been here, active for almost a month or more (so it seems). I think I may go back under my rock.

I'm not the kind of guy that takes kindly to being told I did sh!t when I didn't do sh!t.

Later all!



I am not upset at you. I did not intend to offend you, I did not intend to accuse you of being the Grammar or Spelling Nazi since you have not done that, but others have and I just threw them all into them lump and I appologize for that.

We have had a number of disagreements in the past. Most of our differences were related to you twisting my words to try to extract a different meaning, one that conforms to your definition. Other members clearly understood the statement, but you seemed to want to disect each word and explore all the possible meanings and I am not the only one who has brought that to your attention.

That's pretty much what KL does except he takes statements out of context from completely different threads and accuses me of being hypocritcal. And just like in this thread, when I show him to be way off base with his accusations, he does not reply. I just thought it would be good to give him a taste of his own medicine and and question his motives for what he posted.

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Richard L,

Apology accepted.

Please let's let the past stay there.

All I can say is that for the future, please be rest assured that I never have nor will I ever intentionally twist anyone's words, nor do I try to make people's views or statements conform to my own.

I encourage all to not confuse one's seeking to understand with disagreement, belittling, berating, or attempting to sway.

That's actually one of the major problems in this country. Many seem to have lost the ability of civil discourse. A big part of civil discourse is being sure that you completely understand and appreciate what is being said. Often people start swinging before they understand, or almost as bad, when they seek to understand the other side feels attacked.

One of the common pitfalls is that often as people attempt to understand what people are saying, they will themselves question the speaker and say: "So, what you are saying is that..." and when that happens, the speaker often feels his or her words are being twisted. That is regrettable, but as an engineer, you must appreciate the direct nature of such a dialogue. The listener hears and interprets what is being said, and restates it according to how they have taken it in. Human nature is that we ALL TWIST THINGS when we hear them. We all have a filter, a thing called a "mental model" that we use when we take in what we see, what we hear, and that mental model is based on education, experiences, life lessons, beliefs, etc. So, we would like to think that people don't consciously and deliberately twist words, but the reality is that we as humans can't help but hearing and interpreting things slightly different from the speaker intended. It's just the nature of how we are wired. The quickest way to get past that gap is to say seek confirmation through restatement. A slower, often more annoying (to me) way of closing that gap is to simply ask for someone to restate what they just said, using different words...annoying. :)



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I wish I could have watched this episode of "MYST: Off-Topic Board" on an awesome television in full HD while sitting outside in a hot tub. That would have been rad!
I need someone else to pay for it, though. This income disparity is killing me!:cry:


Gary, what kind of sound system was connected to this setup? And I assume it also had a means of playing Blue-Ray/DVD/downloaded content/etc.? Would love to hear more about the arrangement...
Sorry for the delay. We've been without power for 5 days and the cable internet is still out. I hooked up the DSL and I seem to be "ON".

Anyway, the sound system is is just 8 rooms of speakers. Believe it or not, no surround system. We have a Niles TVA-50 hooked up to the local outdoor speakers and the TV and when the TV is turned on, it switches the home audio off and the TV sound comes out of the outdoor speakers.

KL, forgot to say the HDMI cables are in a 2in plastic conduit pipe that I had the masons put in the wall then run back to a crawl space under the family room, 25ft. in length. We are going to set them up with a RF remote to work the cable box and Blueray player.
Gary, nice work!! Looks great. Bet when you posted the thread you didn't think it would be hijacked by yahoo's posturing for their personal views on life!!
Gary, nice work!! Looks great. Bet when you posted the thread you didn't think it would be hijacked by yahoo's posturing for their personal views on life!!