Jason Graham
I had a 04 track untill last night. While traveling down the highway I smelt something burning, I looked down at the passanger side floor board and saw smoke. I hit the brake, pulled over, And no more got out and saw flames. Called 911 and about 20 minutes later the fire dept. showed up. Needless to say the Trac burned to the ground. I will post pics in a few days.
Does any body have any input pn what may have happened. The only after marked piece that I had in it was a skyfi 2. A simple plug in the cig lighter. Any input would be helpful.
Thanks all, Jason.
Does any body have any input pn what may have happened. The only after marked piece that I had in it was a skyfi 2. A simple plug in the cig lighter. Any input would be helpful.
Thanks all, Jason.