Traded the Trac ...

Ford SportTrac Forum

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Ernie Longino

Mar 21, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
Well, after 6+ years with the Sport Trac I finally bit the bullet and traded up to a full size quad cab ... Dodge Ram 1500 SLT Hemi.

I know, I know ... shame on me for leaving the Ford family. I really liked the F150 Quad Cab, but I found it hard to pass up the Ram's $5000 rebate (not to mention the $995 Hemi incentive that allowed me to move up to the Hemi at no additional cost).

I debated as to whether or not to post this here, but the reason I decided to is to thank those here who have helped me with everything Trac related (and some things not) over the last several years.

You have helped me diagnose issues, shop for shocks and tires, etc.

This forum has some good people, who are genuinely interested in helping others.

Keep on Trac'n ... maybe I'll convince my wife to trade her mini van for one in a few years.

I have to make a comment about the nice people on this forum. I have changed vehicles back and forth between Pont and Ford for the last 10 years (97 GP, 01 ST, 04 GP, 07 ST). I have also participated in the forums for each vehicle. This group is consistently kind and helpful. If someone (God forbid) "defects" to another type of vehicle, the response on the other forum was sticks and stones - "You're an idiot! What were you thinking." Contrast that to the responses on this thread. "Good luck, stay in touch." There will always be differences in opinion on cars, but it is nice to find a group of people who, despite different viewpoints, can remain "good people."
I have 10 months left on my lease. Love the Trac but whether or not I keep it will depend mostly on what happens the price of gas. I like the room but I'm leaning toward going back to a Ranger 4x4 with a 3.0/stick shift.
OK the trac has been here since 2001. Many will trade them in. I look at it as we not loose trac owners but they stay arround and the new owners find their way to this site.:cool::cool:

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