Tranny question

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Jerry Abson 3

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2007
Reaction score
Maple Valley, WA
So, I leave this morning. Temps around 29 degrees, but the truck is parked in the garage, around 45 degrees. less than 5 minutes later I am at the light at the bottom of a hill, accelerate while going up the grade, not much of a grade. My tranny idiot light starts to blink. Rough drive for about 30 seconds. Come to a stop at a light, idiot light goes out. Rest of drive, including freeway and quick acceleration, brings about no other issues with tranny.

Just a glitch or something I should start looking at. I am just under 61K, had no service on tranny yet. Is it time?
This auto-trans we have in the ST is very "tempermental" so anything you can do to protect it, like servicing or the EPC adjustment in the Projects, would be to your advantage.
My tranny would kind of slam when accelerating up a steep hill or during slow movement. Just had it in to the dealer and they loaded upgraded software. Have not been in situation yet to check it out thought to see if it helped.