Tranny seal replacement advice needed

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Richard McAlister

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2008
Reaction score
Collinsville, OK
I've discovered a small leak from the rear seal on my '05 trac auto tranny that needs to be repaired. I have a couple of questions about the job.

1. The manual calls for two special tools for the job - one to remove the seal and one to install it. How important are these tools? In the old days we used a hooked tool to pull the old seal and just tapped the new seal in place. Can this shadetree method still be used or is there a real reason to use the tools recommended by the manual?

2. The manual links this job to replacement of the housing bushing. Is it necessary to replace this bushing at the same time?

Any advice and/or hints for the job would be appreciated. :)


Pull the seal with whatever you have laying around, just don't knick up the inside of the housing, and put it back in with a hammer and no you don't need to replace the bushing at the same time
A seal installer kit is about $20.00 from Lysle tools..... OR a Large socket or pvc pipe that is the same size works great...

The romoval tool is not needed,,,

Todd Z
Also lube the seal and drive shaft yolk before you re assamble.... you can damage a dry seal.

Todd Z