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I think you'd be blind to think this doesn't happen- at least to some extent (and it's probably more in depth than we could imagine, as the article goes on).

I agree that mainstream media has for a long time used its position to sway the citizens (someone is pulling the puppets strings thou). Look at any travesty- give it 6 months to a yr and go back to the original story being told and you can see it was false in some way (Mis information) or had a hidden agenda. More often then not it will be about gun crimes followed by gun control or terror acts/threats followed by giving up another piece of our freedom for false security. And in this day and age (technology and the Internet) you can beat your ass the watchful eye is evolving as well.

The worst part is for the most part, I'm sure it's working. When you have more than half (probably way more) of the population that are blind (or walking zombies), to concerned with the Hollywood bs or random meaningless information they call news. All the while the real issues or concerns pass by unknown or unheard. They have to keep the Internet in check some how.

I don't think anyone I know but I guess you really never know- consider the "see something say something" (didn't the nazis have similar campaign?) if I did know someone like that- they wouldn't be in my circle
Seems like a weird place for someone like him to show up, but the description is spot on.
"Nobody really flies the flag"

"Being in southern GA"

"Down the interstate from me where the Sons of the Confederacy meet"

