Unique Transmission Issue?

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Ark Hoot

Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Dear Friends,

2003 XLT 4x4 Sport Trac

Earlier this week I was driving my Trac with the cruise on, running 'bout 75 MPH. Suddenly as I was on a downgrade and crossing the transition from pavement to a concrete bridge, the engine revved up as the transmission slipped. I immediately tapped the breaks, which disengaged the cruise and the rpms dropped back. As I was coasting down I hoped the transmission would re-engage, which it did not.

I coasted onto the shoulder and then tried different selections on the shifter. Here is what I observed.

When shifting to drive and trying to pull out from a stop: A definite but weak engagement, but not adequate engagement to pull forward. Slippage occurs.

When shifting to reverse and trying to pull out from a stop: A definite but weak engagement, but not adequate engagement to back up, slippage occurs.

When shifting to 1st from a stop and attempting to pull out: No problem and no slippage. Makes no difference if the OD is turned off or on.

When shifting to 2st from a stop and attempting to pull out: The Trac pulls out no problem although it is apparent it is in 2nd which means less power. No observed slippage. Makes no difference if the OD is turned off or on.

After a start from using the start from 1st or 2nd gear selection method and then shifting to drive after reaching a speed of 40 MPH or so. No problem. The problem of slipping happens when the Trac hits rough pavement.

Never has the Trac's transmission offered to slip before. Never has it suffered from slow engagement in R or D.

Any thoughts or advice?

Fluid level, Filter fell off in the pan, Loose wiring to the tranny...

Todd Z
Thanks Todd,

I am super careful with this Trac. I noticed a few drops of fluid in my driveway about 6 weeks a go. I took it to my mechanic and he found a leaking seal on the transfer case. He pulled it out and replaced the seal while I watched.

I do disaster response ministry and have driven the Trac from East Tennessee to Baton Rouge and back for Gustav and then to Galveston twice for Ike and then to Cedar Rapids for the flooding wrapup since he replaced the transfer case seal shaft seal, though.

Maybe he had the harness loose while doing that and it is not making a good connection now. I dropped it off at his shop this evening, but checked the fluid level beforehand and it was OK and looked relatively red and did not smell burnt.

Hopefully it is the filter, valve body gasket or some other minor issue. Hoping for the best, I will keep you posted.

Any other dudes want to take a shot?
The fact that the trnsmission works in some gear settings but not others would indicate to me that you are loosing fluid pressure in some gears which would point to the valvebody and solenoid packs.

If it was the filter falling off, it would effect all gears since your transmission would not pe picking up any fluid?

If it did blow a valvebody gasket, that will require replacing the entire valvebody because the reason the gasket blew was due to a warped valvebody. If the mating surfaces are not perfectly flat they tend to develope gasket leaks. This is a know problem with some years of Ford transmission that were used in the Sport Tracs.

So it is not as simple as just replacing the gasket, although that might work for a little while. Replacing the valvebody and gasket costs about $500



I dropped the Trac at my mechanic over the weekend and he did a through diagnosis and thinks it is the harness. He said everything else looks great. He ordered the harness and it should arrive today. I will keep you updated.