Update........Medical opinion

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I had seeds and radiation. 25 radiation treatments and the seeds were "installed" about 45 days later. Outpatient, had dinner and drinks that evening. As I understand it, there is no possibility of surgery for removal of the prostate after this type of treatment, I could be wrong. Over 3 years later, my PSA is so small, it's unmeasurable.

You are correct. And I like installed.

No Surgery after radiation.

You may have radiation after Surgery.

No Surgery after Cryotherapy.

Cryotherapy after surgery and radiation.

Chemo after any other treatment.

No radiation after TURP.
Sucks to get old. Turned 50 this year and I hate how it takes several minutes to pee because of weak stream from a swollen prostate. Dr. says all it well, though.
Best of luck to you Gerry. We are the same age and although I have had no prostrate problems yet (knock on wood) I worry about it. I had a grandfather that died from prostrate cancer so it's in my genes. He passed way back in the 70's but they had very limited treatments back then. Today's prostrate cancer survival rates are a hundred times better. One of my best friends went through what you are going through almost 10 years ago and you wouldn't know today that he ever had a problem.
Redfish & Les,

Thanks for your input on the "Seeds" treatment. I'm sure that will give Gerry some questions to ask his doctor.


No Surgery after radiation.

You may have radiation after Surgery.

No Surgery after Cryotherapy.

Cryotherapy after surgery and radiation.

Chemo after any other treatment.

Is that what you did, or where those all the various options you had?

I have not had any prostate problems, and at 65, my doctor has been checking every year since I was about 50....both the PSA tests and the finger...:cheeky:


What you quoted from me are just the general rules as to what you options are:

Surgery is not done after radiation because it turns the prostate to mush. Surgery is based on removal of the capsule intact.

If you get surgery and it fails, one still has the option for radiation.

Chemo is used in combination with other treatments when the cancer has spread.

Cryo is a option by itself or can be used if surgery or radiation fails. My under standing is that Cryo is getting a lots better and would be a good option if one found a good doctor.

Two types of radiation. Seeds and external.

I had just about the same as Les: three months of drugs to reduce the size of the prostate. 35 radiation treatments. 80 seeds. 12 more days of radiation. All the testing was a literal pain in the ass. the treatment was a breeze. now just once a year for psa and wave. 5 years out. I never had any problems concerning the prostate. Highest PSA was 1.75, but had stage 6.

Thanks for the info.. I hope I never have to refer back to this thread :cry:

Glad it all worked out well for you...I hope Gerry is as fortunate.:haveabeer:


Well, I have more news. I have Lymphoma. Further tests will be conducted to determine the type and extent. At this point things are looking not too great. I will have to start considering how much treatment if any. I am scheduled for Brachytherapy on January 17th. Tomorrow is my 61st birthday. I have been thinking about my life and how I have lived it a lot lately.

I am feeling physically sick. I mean pukey type sick. I guess that is the stress kicking in.

Gerry Mac
Brachytherapy is a piece of cake. No pain at all. In and out in less than a day. I took it little slow for about two days. Just remember when you have to piss, you have to piss. They gave me some steroids and the next week I painted the house, inside and out. Played tennis in three weeks.

Wait on the further test on the Lymphoma. I have a couple of friends who are doing real good after treatment.

One day at a time. Our thoughts are with you.
Gerry, I'll be praying for you and your family.

Redfish- agree on the steroids! Taking prednisone for a few weeks can fix just about anything and make you feel GREAT! :banana:
Hang in there Gerry. It's always darkest before the dawn. Talk to your doctors, and choose the path of treatment that you feel will be best for you. I can only sympathize with what your are going through now, but educate yourself with all the options, and we can only support you in what every path you decide to take.

God bless and we are all pulling for you to beat this.


Twenty minutes into the procedure it was canceled. After inserting the ultrasound and die they determined that my Prostate is more than twice the size that can be treated with seeds. My options now are to take hormone therapy and try again or surgically remove the prostate. I am leaning towards the surgery but this just came about yesterday and I cannot make a decision like this when I am still "stupid" from the Propofol.

They did a biopsy on the lump at the back of my neck and it is Lymphoma. That will need to be dealt with also. We will be investigating to see how much the cancer has spread and where.

Thank you Brother for your interest and support. I wish I had real brothers like you here. Mine are asking "who's getting the boat"?

Gerry Mac
BOAT, you didn't say that a boat was involved, also are there any left over propofol.

I am going to email you later in the day with some information. I am dumbfounded that a 80cc prostate wasn't reduced to at least 55 by the scheduled proceedure and how they could start the proceedure without already knowing exactly the size.

Go to this site and look it over, then call the toll free number and request a information packet. I realize that this facility is not probably a possiblity for treatment, since you are in Canada, but they will be glad to have you talk to a doctor and give you some good information on treatment.

Sorry to hear the bad news. I have to agree with Redfish and question why they did not know the size of your prostate before they even started the procedure?

I have never had prostate problems and I get a PSA and finger probe every year, so I don't have much experience beyond that. It sounds like Redfish has been there, done that, and has the T-Shirt to prove it...:grin:. I'm sure his advice on this issue is far more accurate than mine.

I lost my wife to cancer in 2007 and I don't want to lose anyone else to such a cruel disease. I wish you all the best, and hope you find the right treatment. You probably need to talk to your doctors and find out their recommendations as what is the best treatment for you and Redfish can probably give you a lot of insight about the various options. Just don't give up hope...That's the key trait that all survivors have...They don't give up.

Again, we are all pulling for you to beat this.



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