Viagra ingredients

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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2002
Reaction score
Sugar Land, TX
I knew it.

They released the ingredients in Viagra:

3% Vitamin E

2% Aspirin

2% Ibuprofen

1% Vitamin C

5% Spray Starch

87% Fix-A-Flat
LOL... I don't care who you are thats funny right there !!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Todd Z

Viagra has a new fast acting pill formula. You have to swallow it fast or you will get a stiff neck. :lol:

When Viagra first came out I cracked a joke about taking it with the lady I was dating at the time (not my wife in the pic below).

She gave me a look :blink: and said "You...on Viagra...would be very scary." :lol:

Not far from me, you can buy a Sport Trac and see the former Viagra NASCAR.... Mark Martin Ford.

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Course, my momma always told me I'd go blind if I played with it too much..... she didn't tell me that I had to take Viagra at the same time.... but it's worth it.

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