Washington Times-16 illegals sue Arizona rancher

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Dec 23, 2006
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Some where way to close to the effen city
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ASSOCIATED PRESS DEFENDANT: Roger Barnett said he had turned over 12,000 illegal immigrants to the Border Patrol since 1998.

The case never should have made it to court. They do not have any rights in this country since they entered it illegally. The court system in this country to totally broken! :angry::angry::angry:

Saw that a couple of days ago...TOTAL BS!!!

Effin' courts / judges who would hear such a thing anyway!!!
Lawyers, Lawyers. They have turned it into a money making proposition. Has nothing to do with the law. They will get paid no matter how it turns out. Only one thing lower, Whale poop.
This is yet another HUGE example of why we need some serious tort reform in this country's legal system. A "loser pays" law in every state would seriously reduce the number of BS lawsuits like the one discussed here.
It's almost hard to come up with words about just how wrong this is. Living in AZ has made me very hard toward illegals. Sheriff Joe does these "crime sweeps" in the cities and towns around Phoenix. He gets little to no support from town officials and there are always protesters talking about how he is violating their rights. I don't think he's done one single sweep where he hasn't arrested several illegals and others on outstanding warrants. Right now he's in hot water for segregating those being held for deportation in different tents than the regular criminals. As much crime as is committed by illegals in Phoenix, you would think he would get more support. That certainly not the case.

A couple of years ago, the State passed a law that required proof of citizenship to go to college and get financial aid. Boy did that cause a stir!

I completely agree, we need to change whatever law is out there that gives illegals access to our civil court system. They need to be able to defend themselves in criminal court, just before they are deported.
Shouldn't even go to court, Similar case was when a robber tripped on something and fell down the stairs of the house he was trying to rob, he sued the homeowner and won.:angry::angry:

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