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Todd Z

Well-Known Member
4 wheel drive
2nd Gen owner
V8 Engine
Sep 21, 2003
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
What engine do you have?
V8 engine
What year is your Sport Trac?
What Generation is your Sport Trac?
2n Gen Owner
Me, Rachel, Gary D, Sal A and His wife arrived today at 1:30 AM !!!!!! We are all shot... !!!

See you all in the AM !!!

Todd Z
Todd, Will you be talking to Ford guys? Could you ask if a new grill is in the works? this is somthing they can change without a major vehicle re-design. The current VW/Nissan chrome grill could be why regular explorer sales are slipping and the cleaner looking Chevys are doing better.
Just got home from my 15 hours at work . Plan to take a nap, clean the Trac, attend last minute mandatory meeting at work. We might get out of town about 7PM. Will arrive in Louisville around 10:30 if I can stay awake. See you in the AM at least.

Glad you all made it safe! lol Rodger still loitering in lobbies? ha ha j/k!!

Hello to you all :) Wish I were there!
I want to be there sooo bad.... but I think that from edmonton alberta I might make the record for this year farthest traveller.

Fine im so jealous Im going to get my exhaust done this week... and you guys wont see it.... so na na na boo boo... hahaha

Im sure I'll be posting pics etc anyways.

for me to go it would be:

Total Est. Time: 32 hours, 26 minutes Total Est. Distance: 3171.067626953125 km

wow, that mapquest gets really accurate
Have fun guys! I wish I could be there as well--- especially cause my baby is probably sittin over there waitin for me!
If I could go, I'd be on the corporate plane this afternoon down to LAP. I'm going in the opposite direction: DENVER!!! Partay!!!
Denver. Cool! Grew up West of there and went to college in Boulder. You'll think Partay the fist time you have to run up a mountain. And remember, Denver is low altitude. it can be much worse.

I too wish I was going to L'ville

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