Weekend Offroad Pictures

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Ok, new update to this thread. The site where we're building a pond has filled because of the nearly 2 weeks straight of rain. Today is beautiful, so I thought I'd play a little bit. The actual pond part, that is dug out so far, is about 8-9 feet deep so of course I couldn't play in that, but the outer edges gave some fun...for a little while. Here's the pictures I could get out and snap.

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And then I played too much...here's how she sits until my soon-to-be father-in-law gets off from work and I can get the winch on the John Deere and get back over there...

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Well, we got it out with the tractor. Pulled it out real easy but as I was watching to be sure I didn't slide into the pond, I backed into the bucket.:banghead: The damage isn't that bad, but I wish I had avoided doing that.

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Now that I got it out: Is there anything I should do besides removing the wheels and giving it a good wash? Should I change the diff fluid? The front end sat under water for a couple hours. It actually sank a bit more by the time I returned and the whole rim was under water. I've never been stuck in mud/water so this is new to me. I generally avoid mud, but I was looking for anything to do besides studying like I should have been. Lesson learned...:smack:
It's not a bad idea to change any fluids that could have been potentially contaminated by the water. Cheap insurance..

Man I wish that was the only carnage I had from off roading... The front CV axles have a good seal, as you will find out if you have to replace them but I would change the fluid to be safe.
Got an update from this weekend's hunting trip to the N. Ga mountains.

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You mean Hugh. :grin: And those first pictures are from over a year ago. I'm at a little over 50% tread now, coming up on 25k miles on them. Trying to get rid of these wheels and basically giving the tires away with them, but I have 35s sitting in the garage waiting for some 17" wheels to be mounted on. Pictured below, and torturing me each day. I have someone that may buy just the tires this weekend, and I'll have the wheels going cheap.

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