Well, my wife predicted it

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$2.27 is nothing to complain about compared to the prices around SoCal. But, whatcha gonna do? Vote yes on prop 87?
Flip, Not complaining yet. It's just that we noticed that the price of gas has gone up immediately after the election. Yup, sure did vote 'yes' on Prop 87. If we can save our environment, as well as we are running out of oil, with alternative fuels so much the better.
Gas here in Evansville, Indiana has remained constant.....$2.14 a gallon.....It was that price this past weekend and it is now....I say that, but I am at work and on the way it was $2.14....now when I go home in about 3 hours it may be a different story! ;)
I have a gas station down the road from my house. They changed oil companies and finally got signs up for the price. Get this....it was $2.09 while the near gas stations had $2.19. Then a week later they went to $2.19. The other's stayed at $2.19. Two days later, the station goes to $2.09. Over night, back to $2.19. Now tonight, their $2.14. Meanwhile the other stations never budged from the $2.19. My neighbor said he pulled up when it was $2.09 to fill his truck. No signs, no nothing indicating pre pay. A woman hollars from the variety store, hey you gotta come inside to pre pay. So he goes inside and hands her cash instead of his debit card and doesn't fill the truck. :blink:
Yep, gas prices have stayed the same here $2.079. They spiked up to @2.159 about two weeks ago, but came right back down a couple of days later.

The only people who control the price of gasoline are the Oil Speculators. They buy crude oil based on what they think the market demand will be in the near future and how much oil will be available to meet that demand. It has nothing to do with the elections, Bush, Republicans or Democrats. Even the Oil companies don't have control of the prices.

My friend who owns a gas station told me 2 weeks ago we would see gas prices start rising. OPEC met and planned to cut production Nov 1, took about a week to hit us...
Check out the history of gas prices at the link below. Gas always seems to hit the annual low during early November, and then climbs at least 30% or more.

With a eyeball quick and dirty regression analysis, it appears that we will be enjoying at least $3.15 gallon gas by May, 2007. :(:angry:
Still under $2 a gallon here but we better enjoy it while we can because like gavin said, we will be paying well over $3 a gallon by summer. Ford dealers better get all those SUV's off the lots now while gas is fairly cheap.
It never changed a penny near me. But then again, the oil companies and our govt are very shrewd and their manipulation so deft that I am sure they raised gas 10¢ a gallon in Rodger's hood alone. ;)
I went up 5.5 cents a litre and Im in Freakin Canada. Damn Elections. I like how they claim it has nothing to do with the elections etc... yet the days following the election they start going up... haahha
I think we should blame it on the Canadians. They raised the price of their gas based on their speculation about an election in the USA. :p:p

Actually, our gas did go up today from $2.079 to $2.119.

So I say we should blame the Democrates, they are incharge now, but I really think the Canandians started it, and they should be blamed as much as the Democrats. :lol::lol:


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