For tuning purposes, the only thing I can think of for EEC, is "Electronic Engine Control",
or maybe the same thing as "P.C.M." (Powertrain Control Module).
Again, I work at G.M., but a lot of these acronyms and initials are close in their
meaning. And I'm also thinking that the "V" could stand for "Variable", since it seems
that you may be trying to change your tune?
The old computer chips in the first generations of computer controlled cars were
R.O.M. (Read Only Memory) Chips, and the early, second generation chips were
R.A.M. chips, meaning that they could be reprogrammed/replaced without the need
of removing the entire computer, usually located underneath the passenger-side
kick-panel. I'm kind of confident in this, yet not 100%!
Hope this helps, let me (us) know!