what is your property tax?

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The hard part about figuring out your taxes in Texas is because there are so many juristictions that have their own separate tax rates. There are two separate kinds of county taxes, taxes for the local community college, taxes for the town where the house is located and taxes for the local school district.

Then a few years ago they tried to add another tax related to a nearby creek since my house was within 1000 feet, it was considered in the watershed area of the creek?? I protested that and got it removed because the agency that was wanting the tax on the watershed had not filed the proper paperwork and so it died anyway.....I suspect that had I not brought up that issue, it would have appeared on my tax bill.

Most recently the city council (where my old house is) voted against the wishes of the citizens, to give city employee's a 3% pay raise and to expand the city hall office space. I don't object to the pay raise as much as I object to the expansion of city hall simply because the city governement has grown much faster than the city population has grown and many services like trash are being outsourced to other companies that we have to pay for. The city is actually making a profit off of our trash !!

Part of that deal includes the city banning any business or construction dumpsters in the city unless they from the waste disposal company the city has contracted with. So as a citizen, you cannot hire any company to place a dumpster on your property when remodelling or renovating your home. With a lock on the city the waste disposal company can charge what every they want...and it is significantly higher than other companies charge in the area.

Wow, I better stop complaining so much..

4BR home, 2 car garage, Fireplace, 1.5 bath, with 16 X 12 shed. Was $866 a year, just went up to about $1215 a year and many around here are hoppin mad with such an extreme increase.
About $900 for the primary home in Fullerton, CA (Prop 13 beneficiary).

About $8100 for the vacation home in Pebble Beach (no Prop 13 and it's a small house).

Anyone wanna buy a home in PB?

I just got my tax bill for my new house and it is just over $2200. Last year it was over $3300 and that was only from Febuary. The reduced taxes are based on my exemptions of Homestead, Disable Vet, and over 65. The problem is that the taxes on my old house will now go up because all the exemptions that were on my old house are now on my new house. I expect taxes on my old house will be about $3000.
