Looking to possibly sell the trac (prob. on ebay) to get a full size F150. Any idea what it's worth w/ the add-ons?? 2002, lift, 45K miles...MINT cond. more pics in library.[Broken External Image]:
Nice looking ST. Great looking tire and wheel setup. Add-ons usually don't add to the value. You may make more $ for you mods by removing them and selling them seperate.
I had a local dealer offer $8500 to trade and I was hoping I could get a little more by selling it outright. Guess I'll try ebay first and trade second!
KKB on your truck without all the upgrades and mods is listed at $10-12k. Just looked it up. That's one beautiful 1st Gen Trac man. Good luck with sell, I don't think you'll have any trouble selling this at all.