When Obama takes office.....

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Frank screwyourednecks

Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
Munster, IN
When Barack Obama wins the Presidential election in November, where are you going to be?

With overwhelming International support, and the opposing Republican party in dissaray, Barack Obama will be our next President.

Challenger John McCain draws paltry numbers to his speeches, where Obama draws tens of thousands. Wether or not you believe that the people elect the President, or the members of the electoral college, you have to see that Obama will cruise to victory easily. He has the people, (by far) and the G.O.P. is split. Either way, he wins. We ALL win.

Where are you going to be?

How are you going to feel?

Will you be with him or against him?

Will you be a good American and support him?

I cant wait!
My wife and I will actually be at the inauguration. Not because we are Obama supporters, just because we have the opportunity to go and be there in person for the whole event regardless of who actually wins the election.
Yes, thousands (so they say) hear Obama speak. Sadly, he says nothing, I mean NOTHING, of substance. As a voter I have no idea what he actually intends to do. If you listen to what he says you will not hear a single piece of actionable information or anything that would give you a quantifiable expectation of what he really intends to do. I can only go on his past voting record.

Although, the numbers showing up to hear Sen. Obama may not always be quite what is reported. He spoke at a concert pavilion here and there were traffic warnings, and every indication of major crowds. In the end a few thousand showed up. Maybe 10% of what was anticipated and reported in the press.
Thanks Frank for making the point that all the libs the past 8 years that have not supported our president as THEIR president, right or wrong, are unAmerican.

Ditto what Les said.

I will add that Obama will change, change. I think that means different kinds of coins...:lol:

Will you be a good American and support him?

Frank,you step on your own toes. what a radical you are.
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Will you be with him or against him?

Will you be a good American and support him?

I can't believe I'm even wasting time responding to this thread...


Let's hear your answers to the two questions above as posted by you. But, answer them with regard to President Bush. There's only one way you can answer them and not sound like a complete arrogant, presumptive hypocrite.

However, based on your past performance, I don't actually expect an honest, intellectual, let alone civil response...
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I will be in the backyard digging a hole to hide my guns & Ammo in. Darn-it, kinda gave that away! Guess I will have to hide them somewhere else!
I'll be flying with him on my jet in January then if he makes it.

I'll feel? Lets see how much he will travel and what quirks he has, then I'll answer that.

I'll be with him.

Of course I'll be a good American and support my President.

I don't know, the way I look at it, he might be young and have less experience, but he'll have a ton experienced people around him to help make the right decisions?
I will be in the backyard digging a hole to hide my guns & Ammo in. Darn-it, kinda gave that away! Guess I will have to hide them somewhere else!

I would keep them within reach just incase you need to use them. ;)

I wasn't born in this country, but whoever wins, will have my support. The way I look at it, you either support the country you live in or get out and live some place else.
What bothers me about the republican party is its complete lack of morals.

(I suppose this is a wait-and-see story, but interesting nevertheless.)
What bothers me about the republican party is its complete lack of morals

And Democrats have morals ???

They are all politicians, and they will all tell you the lies you want to hear !!!
Hey Train Trak

Of course its no secret that I dont support W.

I posed the question to all the right wing, zealot, neo con, religious, out of touchers, who try to discount what I say on here.

You see, it is almost a full time job for Democrats to expose the hypocritical ways of the right. I was just pointing out to the Bush lovers (18% at last count) that I cant wait to see if they will "stand Behind" Obama.

Stead fast, Resolute, Stay the Course, whatever you people call it. HAHHAAHAH
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where im gonna be is where i am now

how im gonna feel is very concerned for the greater good of my country

im not gonna say that im gonna be against him but im definitely not for him.

as far as support i will support my country but not necessarily always the pres. i will support certain decisions he may make if i believe in them but im sure he will make several that im not gonna support.

And i hate to say it but im afraid for him that if he gets elected there will be many people gunning for him. and no matter whether i want him as pres or not i dont wish death upon anyone but i wont be too surprised to see some people try to take matters in their own hands to get him out of office.
Thirty six years ago, Jimmy Carter looked mighty appealing as the outsider who was above the politics, the man who would clean up after the Nixon fiasco, and change things for the better.

His own party ate him for breakfast when he started going after their sacred cows.

I don't expect much of anything from an Obama presidency. Nor would I from a McCain presidency. Both are standing members of a ruling political class that have disconnected from the original intent of our government. I don't care what any candidate says on the stump. The system will destroy anyone who tries to address our more fundamental problems (namely, spending, debt, and an ever increasing accumulation of federal power). Neither McCain or Obama are up to that challenge.

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