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Yeah, you can try to pick on anyone you want for saying something about your writing, but being lazy isnt an excuse for being rude. You also cant be lazy and then get mad when people dont respond the way you want. People dont have to take time out of their day to help you when you wont take 1/10 of a second to help out others by turning off your caps lock.

If you want help, thats fine, everyone here is very nice, and very knowledgeable, and you will get your help. But like everything in life, you only get as much respect as you give, and your posts so far outside of the one thanking the member that gave you the answer have been quite disrespectful.

Good luck with your horn, hope you dont get too lazy to remember to re-assemble everything correctly.
"Family Site" does not mean that 12 year old kids drive Sport Tracs, it means that while visiting the site, you can do it with with your 12 year old kid sitting next to you.

Derek pretty much said everything most of us were thinking. Nobdy here is getting paid to answer any questions someone might have. We here promote the Sport Trac more then Ford Motor Company does. We other owners defend themselves against scumbag dealers. We reverse engineer stuff to fit our needs, then we post the results so other can do the same thing, if they choose to, on thier own trac. We do this on our own time.

Nobody should expect to get an answer to thier question. If you get an answer, good for you. If you don't, you didn't pay for the service, so you aren't out anything. We don't have to answer your question. Don't give us a reason not to.

You admit to being lazy, you expect us to take the initiative to answer the question by typing 1000 charectors while you are too laxy to hit 1 key.

Give me a break.

Kevin, did you ever think that maybe no one understood the question? I suspect the question is deeper than "Where is the horn?" When I read it, I thought....a DUH...it's right under the hood. I never looked for it, but I guessed I could find it. Now, maybe that is a faulty assumption.

Maybe a better worded question would be one like:

"Hey guys. I am having a problem. I am having problem ____ with my horn, and I am trying to locate it. I looked under the hood and can't find it. Roughly where is it located in proximity to other items under the hood? Oh, and I have a <enter year> Sport Trac. Thanks!"

Again, though, I am making some assumptions. It is not clear to me from your question that you are looking for the horn, or the horn button, or why you would be looking for either, or where you have looked.

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