Where were YOU when the world stopped turning, eight years ago, on this September day?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2002
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Mahomet, IL
Never, ever forget the vile, evil acts committed on this day by those lower than whale shit animals.:angry:

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The world will never, ever forget the lives lost that day. They did not die in vein.

Today is also a good day to, once again, thank all the men and women in the armed forces for their service in protecting our countries and for attempting to make the world a better place through their sacrifice.

I was going to college, and my tv was my alarm clock. when I woke up to the news, it took me a good while to realize what actually was going on. After it hit me, I wasnt even sure if I should go to class or what to do. It was a very memorable day in scholl that is for sure.

about a month ago I saw Darryl Worley in a small concert, he played his song and it still has a big effect on people.
I would like to say thanks to all the people that gave their life that day to try and save the many lives that were wasted due to this terrorists act, and to the heros on flight 93 that probably kept many more lives from leaving us. Also say thanks to all of our armed forces heros for keeping us safe and FREE........I was at work at a manufacturing plant, and all the work just seemed to stop when we heard of the news. Keep up the good work all of you guys and gals that keep us protected and free.........
I was at work in a meeting when the director walked in and told us. We all left to the big conference room and turned on the Presentation Television to see it unfold.

It was a somber day for all - a day that will live forever in our memories.

God Bless all the men and women that fight everyday to keep us free!

I was at V.I.O.C in hicksville L.I. Working and listening to the events on the radio......

Lost 2 Friends that day...........:(

Todd Z
I had just woken up to go to Work (I had Tuesday's off from College), turned the TV on about 2 seconds before the 2nd plane struck. However, I like to think of more happy things that 9/11 represents to me. My wife and I started dating 11 years ago today. (We originally wanted to get married on 9-11-05, but we decided to change the 9 upside down and get married on 6-11-05)
I was at work. We had just started our shift. Guys were out cleaning and preparing equipment and I called them in to watch everything. What a total shock when we saw the buildings come down. Last thing we expected to see.
I was in college. I remember I was in "America in the 60s: Vietnam" The first one had already hit and we were all watching the aftermath live on the news. Then, as we were watching another flight hit the other tower. No one spoke for about 10 minutes. Finally the PAS came to life and then came the message that we were to evacuate the campus in an orderly fashion. There were cops everywhere on campus. I remember leaving school that morning pretty freaked out.

I went home and watched the news more that day than I probably had my entire life.

That was the day that I opened my eyes beyond myself and became a part of the world. I'll never forget Sept 11th and exactly how it changed my life.
On my way to work. On Causeway Blvd, just west of 301. Being a prior military intel guy, my first thought was "There is no way that was an accident". Unfortunately, I was right when then the second plane hit. I lost a military friend in the Pentagon crash. :angry:
Just commuted 30 miles to the temporary offices my company had in Valley Forge, PA. Walked into the cafe to grab my first "work" cup of coffee of the day when the TV was showing smoke pouring out of a gash in WTC tower that was first to be hit. Couldn't get a feeling for the size of the plane that hit because the image was up close to the WTC tower face.

Was watching the coverage like everyone else when a 2nd plane hit. I gasped and yelled out loud: Osama Bin Laden!

I'd like to say the world didn't change that day...because to a large extend I think those things that are good, are right, and are important are still all there...but I can't argue that for many in this country and around the world, THEY were changed by that day, and in no small part we are now in a different world because of it.

I was walking out of my office heading to a meeting at a customer site. A colleague walking in told me a plane crashed into the Trade Center. As we stood there talking, another person walking in told us a second plane had hit. I will never forget this guy looking at me and saying "We're at war!". My response was "Yeah, but with who?"

Was such a wierd day. I picked up the keys to my first house that day -- I remember walking through for the first time with some friends, and just not being nearly as excited about it as I should have been. I also started graduate school that day --the University of Michigan-Dearborn still had classes that night, which to this day baffles me. I will also never forget a guy walking into that class that night and announcing, erroneously, that we were bombing Afghanistan. The professor at least had the good sense to end class in about 10 minutes.

To have those two very good things happen that day but then have that offset by everything else left just not knowing how to feel -- I felt guilty about being happy about my house and school. Screwed up.

Where were YOU when the world stopped turning, eight years ago, on this September day?

The world didn't stop turning that day. It has continued turning, as usual. 2926 revolutions total since then, just like in every eight year period.

That is important for people to remember--and is all-too-often forgotten. The world didn't stop that day. The world didn't change that day. The events that day were tragic, and they caused many people's perspectives on the world to change. But that is actually one of the good things to have happened as a result of that day's events.

And I was at work at my job in Miami. It was a long-distance position, the company I was with had rented me an apartment in Florida, and was then flying me back home (Minnesota) every other week for a couple days to keep up with friends and family. Needless to say, my flight to MN that had been scheduled for 9/13/01 didn't happen.
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