Which City Has the Rudest Drivers?

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Sep 16, 2001
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Roseville/Sacramento, CA
MIAMI - For the second straight year, rude Miami drivers have earned the city the title of worst road rage in a survey released Tuesday. :eek:

See link below for the rest of the article and the list of the top 25 cities with rudest drivers.

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I live in the Houston,Tx area. I have always been told by out of state folks, that we have some of the most courteous drivers. In the last number of years I have watched that change dramaticly with the overflow of illegals. I have been pushed over to the curb many times by road hogs. I will catch hell for saying this, but most of them have been hispanic women...:angry:
Eddie. I think the problem here in Houston is all the idiots driving and talking on cell phones. They may not intentionally be trying to be rude but they are because they are not paying attention.
When I lived in the Bay Area the drivers at least waived when you would let them in the lane. In Seattle 1 out-of 10 will waive. I usually flip them off and the percentage generally goes up...LOL

Driving in Portland with a trailer a lot of drivers wouldn't let me in to get over to the next lane or get to the slow lane. I would just speed up and some gap and go to that lane. When I'm near a trailer I give them lane without pacing the end of the trailer. Stupid is as stupid does, I guess.
I would have been surprised had we (Miami) not been at the top. Driving in Miami sucks, and therefore breeds rude drivers. It becomes a cycle, I know everyday I get on the road I have the intentiontions of being patient and courteous..... As soon as I hit a main road that ends. It becomes very difficult to keep your cool down here.

Lil Red, Don't know what part of town you've been around but the "rich snobs" aren't any worse than the other social classes, I assure you.
I live in Boston and can vouch for the #3 ranking. *********s (mostly 20 to 30-something guys) in BMWs and Audis that go 25 over the limit and change lanes without signalling are about 1/3 the problem. Another third are the folks on their cell phones driving like there is no one else on the road (mostly middle aged women, from my observation) and who are happy to squarely block any intersection on the basis that the green light means they can go (when in fact, Massachusetts General Laws make it illegal to enter an intersection if you don't have clear passage all the way through, regardless of the traffic signal). The remaining third are of course the cab drivers, who drive with reckless aggression in every dense city.
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California...sorry... I think it's true though

edit..that answer is just based on what I have seen on the road ..not the list.
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The bay area in california is suprizingly not as bad as other areas I have driven.

The worst on my list is San Jaun, Puerto Rico. During commute the traffic on a three lane freeway may be 5 - 6 lanes... three lanes + the safety lane + the space between the lanes..

abousolutely crazy.. Maybe it has gotten better, since i was there but I doubt it.

Also the horn is used as a turn signal. :)

Vehicle code here in Kollyfornya also states that it's illegal to enter an intersection if you can't clear the far crosswalk, no matter what color the traffic light. (Page 16 in the driver's handbook. I point this out to people that do this all the time, much to their chagrin. And they wonder why you're mad at 'em... blocking the intersection because they're braindead.)

I believe that this is a law in most states. I know my step dad got a ticket for it in one of the southern states during vacation once. (La. if I remember correctly...)

I love to drive... It's the other people on the road I can't stand! :cool:
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NYC also had a "don't block the box" campaign to enlighten people about this particular traffic rule, including a hefty fine and 2 points on your license for anyone trapped inside the "box" (formed by the four stop lines or crosswalks) when the cross traffic gets the green. We need that here!
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Has the best driving I have noticed so far.... but their speed limits are lower 50-55

and many publicise the "Aloha Spirit"... ie. letting people merge etc... no tailgating
I don't think SoCal is too bad. But it only takes one inexperienced, inconsiderate, and reckless driver doesn't it?

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