Who has changed their plans because of gas prices?

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Brian Hill 2

Jan 20, 2002
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I was woundering, have you changed your plans for the Labor Day week end because of high gas prices?

Will there be less traffic because of gas prices.

I did notice less boat traffic here on the" Chain O Lakes" by my home.
yep. Staying home, grilling in backyard. Not wanting to line the pockets of filthy rich oil company CEO's.
I rode my bike the mile to the bus stop this morning and took the bus to class, instead of driving the usual 10min. Gas went from $2.59 yesterday morning to $3.09 this morning, and that's at the station that usually has the best prices in town. Glad I filled up over the weekend and filled all the gas containers I had.
In part because of the gas prices (although partially for other reasons as well), my family is going camping this weekend--in the backyard.
Well, I was supposed to go to New Orleans at the end of the month for a Sweet Adelines competition (wife's hobby), which obviously isn't going to happen. They are looking to move it to another city, and haven't heard as of yet. I was going to take the trailer down, to Nashville, then a race at Talledega, then to the big easy. Even if they move it, I don't think i'm gonna tow anything.. Gas is $3+/gallon here. :angry:
I will be riding my bike with side baskets this weekend to get the old butt used to it again so I can ride it to work & the local stores. One of the women who works at one of our local gas stations said the owner gave her permission to tether her horse up behind the station which he will be doing starting tomorrow--ahhhh-the pleasures of small town living :p
Millie--The area in which I grew up in west-central Wisconsin has developed into a major Mennonite region in the past 20 years. And it's really affected my hometown, in some very interesting ways--for example, the McDonald's has a horse hitch out front. And it seems like there's almost always a horse and buggy or two tied to it. :)
I cancelled my travel plans and will also stay home and work around the house and grill something yummy.

I feel real sorry for the hurricane victims, but watching the news with all the hurricane stuff, the stuff in iraq, the high gas prices, and the economy,-- it is getting me all depressed.
nope, Filled the BBQ tank last month, filled the st last Thursday, and i have been on vacation all week... go back to work next wed...:) PARTY TIME!!!!

Todd Z
Nope. Still going camping this weekend.

I wonder how this will affect attendance at Dallas this month?:(
wanted to go home from college, 300 miles trip, half tank of gas, but no i cant.

but i forgot to bring up my lacrosse eqiupment and scooter to get around
I was planning on going mountain biking this weekend, and will probably still go since I enjoy it so much. Other than that, I'll just hang around at home.
Excellent topic and this could be when the gas prices start to really hurt the economy. Less vacation travel, higher prices for airline tickets, higher prices for trucked and transported goods, layoffs at resorts, airlines, etc...
I'm working got a deal I could not refuse. :)

Gas Prices is not going to stop me from going to Dallas in the Trac then on to Houston area.

I am not letting this gas hike rule me. :)
No change of plans here. I will be filling the Jet Ski with 16.5 gallons of 93 octane and will be screaming around the lake. We will be having my section picnic this weekend. When I asked the rest of the guys if they wanted to postpone the festivities until the fuel prices stabilize, they looked at me like I was nuts. So apparently I'm not too far off my rocker and others will continue business as usual. On top of that… one of the guys in my shop has his parents coming in from New Orleans and it is our chance to have a little fun and help ease the pain of knowing that their house is gone.

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