Who here is using Verizon that I can ask a HUGE question/favor of???

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Kevin Palmer

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2001
Reaction score
Madison, OH
Pretty much as the title asks, I am trying to help an individual that is coming out of a very abusive relationship. I need to add a phone to an existing account. She will use ONLY Verizon to Verizon time, thus no minutes will EVER be used. She has a Sprint phone for her work and is allowed a certain amount of non-work calls. Here is the catch,,, her entire family is on Verizon. so,,,, she is using her sprint minutes up. We are trying to get her onto a Verizon account. This would cost you 9.99 a month and some tax I would think. She would send you payment in advance for 6 months or a year or three payments a year or whatever we can work out. It will be a cashiers check so you know it will be good. I will be glad to handle it all, you will not have to deal with her at all. You will have total control over the phone if there was an issue. But I assure you, there will be none. But, sine you will have money in advance, you can not lose anything.

Since you will simply be adding a phone to your account, you will not have her name and there will be zero connection to you and her. I have gotten her a nice job, just need to get her a way to contact her family.

Bottom line, her ex is an officer that has the ability to trace her where abouts. She can not get a monthly bill as they require a home address, he does not know her address and we want to keep it this way. She has paid off all of her credit cards and is living solely on a checking account and cash. This is the only way we have come up with that will allow her locating to be found via a SS search, (which he has done on several occasions).

Yes I do realize this is a lot to ask. I really do want to help her out, she is a super person and has a young daughter. I cannot do it as I am maxed on my account with my family.

If anyone is willing to help me help her, please e-mail me if you don't want to post here at the site.

Thanks for your consideration.
Pre-paid is an option. But, not great due to the cost in the long run. Will run over 500 a year no matter how we have figured it out.

The post-paid, like most people have where you pay a bill, won't work as they will not allow a PO box. If so, we can get rates at 40.00 a year from Verizon, (others are cheaper but she needs Verizon), which is also over 500 a year once you tax it.

If we add it to an existing account, no bills or any problems and it is only 9.99 a month. So closer to 150 or so dollars once taxed. This is the best option for her for both cost and her safety.

That is why I have finally brought it to the board here, we have looked into this in great detail.

Thanks though, I am looking for answer...
i think people wouldbe willing to help but what you are asking is putting an innocent stranger into a crazy situation. What if her ex finds out she is on some total strangers account and starts things there?
I agree with your concerns, but, in this case, it would not be possible for him to find out who's account she is on.

With Verizon you simply activate an additional line on your existing account. From there, you give the phone to who ever you want, there is no connection to a name on the 9.99 monthly line. I have 6 of them, which, is why I can't help her. Your only allowed 5 added lines. I have my primary and 5 added lines.

Don't misunderstand, I didn't post this her light heartedly, I took nerve to do so as I do realize I am asking a personal favor. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. This is one of those cases.

She deserves to be happy after all she has gone thru, I am just trying to help her get to some degree of control in her life as she was without that for more than her share of years. The guys was a real jerk to her and her child. She is ten time happier as it stands now. Now we just want her to be able to call her family when she desires to...
Eh, if it goes the way Coastie says, there shouldn't be a problem. I doubt she calls her ex, if she has to, then block the number. I do the same on my Nextels, I get a corporate discount so my whole family has Nextels at special pricing and they just pay me back each month.

If I had Verizon I'd help ya out.
Hhhmmm...an unstable officer that abuses his wife...wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole, sorry Coastie. I know you are trying to saver her money, but I think prepaid is the only way to go.
Coastie, this whole thing sounds weird. Do you know all the facts? Why is this officer not in prison? That's where the Air Force usually sends their trouble-makers. They definitely don't let them continue serving. :unsure:
My parents had an unstable cop for a nieghbor once. To the whole world and the police force, he was a very likable guy. At home with his beautiful wife, he was another story. She adored him and got beat and treated like crap. He wasnt a drunk either. His cop buddies always covered his but. He finnally left her for a high school grad.

I agree with TJR on this one. Most, if not all pre-paid phones are, for the most part,

untraceable. This would be good for her security.

That is why the terrorists try to buy them in bulk. So that they can use one a few

times, and then "ditch" it, without any worry of a "trace to the call" coming back

to them. Sorry to say, but it sounds like the lady is experiencing a "Terrorist (Stalking)

Situation" of her own.

We need to find a way to help her/you out, (and, I hate to be dramatic, but) without

putting anyone else in harms way.

P.S., Coastie,

Not to be too personal, but it may help all of us in our ability, or willingness, to help

you, if you gave us more details, same as we ask for in a 'Trac post for mechanical


I will be the one bold enough to ask this question:

Is this your/a daughter or daughter-in-law, (step, etc..)? Or is this a woman whom you have

met while she was still married to an abusive law-enforcement-officer-type, and you are

trying to help her out of her current situation?

Your reply to these questions will help us all determine how much advice and help that

we can give you.

I know I can be the anal-retentive PITA on this board, sometimes!...,

But I'm just honestly trying to be helpful in your current request/situation...

With Respect,... tracnblack...
P.P.S. Coastie,

Be very careful of what you do in this situation untill you post us back with more

details, if you see fit to do that!

It is very admirable that you want to help someone out, especially a "young lady in

distress". Do what you feel is right, cover your but, while trying to cover/help others,

and use "common sense"!

Good Luck, and with Respect, Again,

Wow sounds like a bad situation all the way around. I hope you know exactly what is really going on here Coastie. Johnny makes a point about her calling her ex. Unfortunately my experience in law enforcement has shown that abuse victims often say that they will not contact their ex and then they change their mind. I have had this experience many many times with the victims that are put into our "domestic violence shelters", they are supposed to be a secret location and all that and half the time we find that the victims are calling their abuser all the time and/or even meeting up with them. This is not meant to criticize victims of abuse as I know it is a very complex situation and often very hard for them to break that connection. Anyway you said this guy was an "officer", what do you mean, military or law enforcement. Either way isn't there something that can be done through his superiors. There are strict penalties for law enforcement using their access to DMV, criminal records, etc for non law enforcement purposes also has she sought a protection order, these can and will be issued without disclosing her location. They can also contain almost any stipulation that the judge can dream up. Of course you would have to prove that he is attempting to locate her to get a violation. I think it is definately a good idea to make sure that she has a phone to have on her at all times in case of emergency, so a pre paid would work for that also any non active cell phone should always be able to dial 9-1-1 or *77 for police etc. I'm not sure what there is in your area but even up here in the sticks the local domestic violence group has phones that they make available to abuse victims, obviously certain criteria needs to be met. Good luck and hope it all turns out fine.
I do know all the details, we, (my family) have known her for 5 ish years. She has been trying to get out of the relationship for some time but just couldn't. I guess it is one of those emotional physical things where your scared to stay and scared to go.

She does have her Sprint phone to use (Work provided) for most calls. She just feels bad using it to speak to her family, the right and wrong of it kind of thing.

She is not a relative of mine or my family, just a friends of ours we have known. The reason her family can't add her onto their account is that they are maxed as well. She has ten family members in PA. Two accounts total, 1 main plus the 4 your allowed to add. No more room on the account. She has been away from the ex for just over 6 months now, I am not aware of a time she has spoke to him direct. Her attorney has delivered and returned messages, but no direct conversation.

And I agree, if I didn't know the whole story or trust her, I would not touch this with a ten-foot-pole either...

Her ex was a local police officer who is no longer on the force as Domestic Violence laws got him fired. That said, he has friends on the force that we believe would do him favors, (like trace via the SS number) if he asked them too. Were not aware of this happening, but do not want to give the opportunity either.

I take none of your questions with disrespect, I would be lying if I said this wasn't somewhat sticky. But,,,, if we can get a phone on an account ti would help tremendously as it would allow her to call her family and not have a bill to deal with.

The issue with the pre-paid is it gets expensive fast. Yes it is an option, just not the best option financially, it may be the only way to go though.

Thanks for your thoughts and any ideas, it is appreciated.....

for another option, can she speak to her company about switching to Verizon? she can claim that the service has broken down badly with Cingular? not an unusual thing these days. This way she can utitlize the Verizon to Verizon calls and have it traced back to her employer. This would also put a legal case against the EX if he utilizes his buddies to trace her phone since its on a company line. There are more laws against phone hackers for companies than personal lines. Just a thought and good luck with whatever decision is made.

I think it unlikely that anyone not personally associated with your friend will want to involve themselves in the situation you describe, regardless of the minimal risk. As firedog has mentioned, there are probably several agencies in Ohio that provide support to victims of domestic violence. A Google search or the telephone book should reveal a number of service providers. Check "Domestic Violence". "Family Services", "Victim Assistance", and "Women Against Abuse".

Most public and private agencies that deal with domestic violence issues are extremely secretive when it comes to victim privacy (including police requests for info) and have access to a variety of services that will enable your friend to secure a safe means of communication with family members. It's also likely that your friend could avail herself of counseling, housing assistance, and other support services that she needs. Attempting to deal with this problem solely through friends and personal contacts is fraught with potential problems. You may now, in fact, be acting counter to her best interest by seeking a means for her to avoid getting competent professional help. I'd strongly advise that you point her in the right direction while continuing to be a friend.

Dinosaur, I understand where your coming from, and must admit that if it wasn't me or if I didn't know all the details that it would be a scary risk.

Trust me, if I had a better option I would have exercised it. Unless I can find a friend locally that has Verizon, I will help her get set up with the .99 cents a day plan. The rate is fair, that is not an issue. She is making good money, it is just the hassle of how to pay the bill since there will be no bill to mail. You have to pay on-line or in person. To pay on-line requires a credit cads, which she does have, but does not want to use.

But, as I said, it is an option we may have to exercises.

Coastie- I admire you for trying to help a friend in this situation. Now why is she unable to open a account and just use a family members address for the bill. Even if she does find somebody to add a line, chances are she will have a number in a area code different than hers.
i take it she doesnt have a big brother does she..... taking care of ex's is what we do best.
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re: Who here is using Verizon that I can ask a HUGE question/favor of??? by Fast Eddie,10/1/2006 23:01 ET

My parents had an unstable cop for a nieghbor once. To the whole world and the police force, he was a very likable guy. At home with his beautiful wife, he was another story. She adored him and got beat and treated like crap. He wasnt a drunk either. His cop buddies always covered his but. He finnally left her for a high school grad.

Agree. My ex wife was a cop. They cover for each other, dirty or legitamate.

This could be an extremely dangerous situation. I wouldn't touch this either.

Sorry, I hope all goes well. She should have known about him before marrying him.

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