Who out there hasn't had a serious problem?

Ford SportTrac Forum

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just under 30,000 and nothing but the usual maintenance, a couple of screws in a rear tire (grrr), my mom backing into it on Christmas eve, and a small paint scuff from some idiot in a parking lot...:wub:
Very few minor problems and no major ones after 5 years and 65k miles. Oil pressure sensor went bad early on and was replaced under warranty; rear window motor quit just out of warranty; got tired of cleaning the IAC valve and replaced it this summer. That's about it. Oh, and the step bars are starting to rust. Gotta fix that before winter.

just over 14 mos old and under 12,000 nothing real major. Just had to have the tank dropped and a fuel level sensor replaced, oh and the fan switch was replaced, both under warranty. The windshield replaced but I had glass coverage so no biggie there.

I am on my second Sport Trac and have had no major problems. My 2001 Sport Trac only had some minor issues during the first 3000 miles and those were handled by the dealer and it never went back to the dealer until I traded it for my new 2003 Sport Trac.

My new Sport Trac has over 20K miles and has never been to the dealer except for the recall on the loose emission canister hose.

We havent had a serious problem with ours either, unless you count that idiot woman that ran a stop sign in front of Ashley and caused this:

[Broken External Image]:

After that was all fixed, no issues whatsoever. I do all my own maintenance, and have only taken her back in for that damn tranny additive.
Well, I may have typed too soon...

I've had a problem with the 4wd not engaging, to the point of not having it the last time I needed it, and I replaced the $12 switch, hoping that would fix the problem. Wrong! Looks like the module is bad, as the 4wd wouldn't work again today when I needed it! Now it's a $90 part, and no 4wd on a 4wd truck is no bueno!

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