Who owns the U.S.?

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i take objection with the title of the article and can't get myself to read it due to the title alone. Sensationalist journalism at its worst, IMHO.
Les, agreed completely. I do think the list below that statement is still interesting, the biggest point of the article, IMHO, is the fact that it points out that most of it is held by private US banks. (Although ownership of those banks isn't established.) I've heard many times how so much of the US debt is owned by certain overseas governments, particularly Asia, and this seems to rebuke those assertions.
It still means though that the richest of the rich own this country. Big banking is a big deal, and their hands are all over the country.
Private banks in the U.S. own most of the national debt.

However, that doesn't mean they "own the U.S."... that's all I was objecting to.


I agree with you. A don't like misleading headlines like that but I did go to the link and checked on what it said. It may have been more correct to say: " Who wones the U.S. Debt?"

I will have to say that I am not fond of owning any money to foreign powers, and certainly not China, Russia, or OPEC countries.


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