Why I Hate Religion, but Love Jesus

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Mar 2, 2010
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, GA
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Im with you brother. Though for 24yrs, I have been in various denomenations. I dont conceed to be any of them. I choose, non-denomenational. Not in the aspect of a charasmatic non-denomenational. I mean I try my best to be truly non-denomentional. I have never offered myself to be a registered member. I dont think it is necessary. It is that the only part of any denomenations, doctrine or dogma. I buy into is, what Christ was teaching. Also that he is part of the trinity. IMO, anything else is mans atempt to be religious and in control. There are many things in some denomenations bi-laws. That have nothing to do with Christianity.

My spoken intention is not to open a can of worms. I just think that if it is not in the Bible. But it is in a denomenations bi-laws or doctrine. I feel it is man made. Somethings that are historical culture issues. Man has made them into spiritual issues.

Im presently attending a Methodist church. Baptist before that. Assy.of God before that and others... Maybe before I get too old. I might land somewhere...LOL
Those three express my exact movements through denominations. That's funny. I definitely disagree with the dogma of each and am having a lot of trouble in the Methodist Church right now. Sunday morning church is for fellowship and worship, so it's not really that important to me. I still think eveyone's hearts are in the right place, though.

The Methodist church I attend now. I have been there for over a year now. I go to a saturday evening service. It is a much more contemorary service. Praise and worship music and the teachings. I attend their wensday bible study also.

The sunday morning traditional is not my bag.

I knew the pastor long before. I attended the previous baptist church. We both have a background of over 20yrs. Clean of alchol and drugs. He wanted me to attend his church before the baptist church.

I left the baptist church after 2 1/2 yrs. The controling people got real political. The pastor, music minister and youth pastor resigned under duress. Within 30 days of each other.

I just need to be where folks devote their hearts, to Christ. Not polotics and BS.

As I said, I can sit is any denomenation or non. I know every church has its' BS. It depends on the qaunity of it. If I stay.
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