Will Rita have an effect on National Meet?

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You're correct. I've seen Ford's response to this very question, and barring an all-out nuclear war, the 2007 unveiling at the State Fair will proceed as scheduled.

More than likely, the Texas gulf coast residents who fled to Dallas because of Rita, will be headed back home before the middle of the week.

The forecast for Dallas this weekend, is rain with winds around 20-25mph. Not exactly a major weather event for us. The rain will be gone by Tuesday.
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More than likely, the Texas gulf coast residents who fled to Dallas because of Rita, will be headed back home before the middle of the week.

I don't think all the New Orleans residents have gone back, and it has been more than a week or two...

BTW: If a frog had a crystal ball, he would be good for only one jump.
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My part of my family evacuated some still in storm area, I'm heading for Texas, come hell or high water, or winds or anything. Rita knows the rules "Don't Mess with Texas!" lol

seriously though, The turn of Rita although unfortunate for LA, and part of Texas, the most Dallas FTworth will see is some wind and rain and (a big maybe tornado or two *if that)

I'm heading for Houston after the Meet. See you all soon!

She seems to be messing with Texas, but she chose to turn tail and not mess with Oklahoma. Oklahoma is OK! :cool:

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The precip prediction maps I've been looking at on the National Weather Service website puts most of the rain East of Dallas. Unfortunately it looks like I may have to drive through the remnants on my way down. Hopefully Rita moves on quickly and gets outta my way!

The reason the New Orleans evacuees have not returned is because the city is still flooded and with Rita passing so near, some of the parts that have been pumped out are flooding again.

If Houston, Galveston get hit with a storm surge, the water will drain back out almost immediately. New Orleans is below sea-level and cannot be drained, it must be pumped out.

Of course some peoples home will be damaged or destroyed, but they can probably get temporary shelter at the AstroDome and other facilities where the evacuees from Louisiana were staying until Rita forced them to be moved again.

Of course some peoples home will be damaged or destroyed, but they can probably get temporary shelter at the AstroDome and other facilities where the evacuees from Louisiana were staying until Rita forced them to be moved again.


I would imagine that most folks would rather stay in a nice motel in Dallas instead of camping out in the AstroDome until they can get their homes rebuilt. Of course, they may move to a motel or temporary shelter in Galveston when the emergency response folks and construction folks get finished and free up some Galveston motel rooms.

The majority of the people that evacuated to hotels etc in Dallas are paying for this on their own ticket. Sure some could afford to stay in a hotel for months, but the majority will be faced with the reality of returning to the Houston/Galveston area, if for no other reason than to check the damage on their home and determine from that what their next step is. They may have to then register with FEMA and wait in a temporary shelter until they home is repaired or they can get assigned some long term housing.

Now if FEMA starts buying up hotel/motel rooms to house the evacuee from these storms, then the Dallas/Ft Worth area may be booked up, but as of yet they have not done that.

Houston and Galveston dodged the bullet, with minimal damage. No reason for those folks to stick around Dallas any longer than they have to.
Yes, Eric is correct. And most of central Texas dodge the prop-wash of Rita. A few days ago we were expecting to get heavy bands of rain and winds in the 65-75 MPH range here in Waco, TX. As Rita turned northward earlier and earlier, the forcast for Waco, TX continued to be downgraded.

Today the reality is here and we were not touched. It was a little cloudy this morning but the sun is out now. Chances of rain have dropped to 20% but we do have a nice 20-25 MPH breeze. We are expecting a high temperature of about 92 degrees. Things are much worse about 60 miles east of here.

I'm getting ready now to go out and mow the lawn.:wacko:


It appears that Houston will let folks start trickling in no later than Wednesday. Things should be back to normal by Friday/Saturday in Dallas/OKC. Too bad for Louisiana though. They really didn't need the extra rain.

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