WMD--iraq weapons of mass destruction

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Nope Tom......the story was true.....I was shocked to hear they didn't get help from their commanders and why there was such a hush/hush about it from their troop leaders.

With all this bs about removing God from our coins and bible study in school......I guess they will have to change "One Nation Under God" to "One Nation Under Obama" :D
Gulf War Sickness is a reality, it was on the news just recently,

The troops had to take tablets for possible nerve agents and all the oil fires really took their toll, as well

as handling and destroying via incineration alot of Chemical weapons.

They had a stockpile of VX, mustard gas, all kinds of stuff during the first

gulf war to contend with.

It's true, early on the military dismissed Gulf War illness.

What a way to treat our soldiers, look at agent Orange same thing.
I hope the guys survived what ever it was they contracted over there. I haven't been able to track them down since I don't know where they lived in this town.

It is a shame the way their case was handled back then with the cover-up and it took their mother to take action of her own in contacting the media to get help.

Wonder what other cover-ups are taking place today that we don't know about.
I have my own continuing medical problems. That maybe agent orange related. I have the paper work. Just need to get to the VA. Have all the test run.

Ever since my 22 months in NAM. The pigment in my skin from my feet to my knees has been turning brown and flaky. I have nerve damage in my legs and poor circulation. I have alot of pain and leg aches. The hair on my legs has fallen out. Just been procastinating about the VA.

Got to do something soon. Been without insurance for a couple of months. My meds are costing me almost $600 a month.
Eddie, PLEASE check in with the VA.

It's not going to get better if you procrastinate.

But, it may not get better if you do, either.

I'm in contact with several Vets who have what you describe.

They are being treated by the VA and "most" have improved.

The main thing is that you have to report and get it on record.

Jeez Eddie.....as Jerry said, I'd get it looked into.

Not having ins sux.....I'll be in the same boat at the end of this month and COBRA is just too damn expensive.

My cus was in Nam......the guy never drank or smoked anything before going over there. He came back, spent mos in a VA hospital....his mind was gone.....was married, but it didn't last long since just about every night if his wife moved in the bed, he was at her throat with his knife.

That war distroyed his life and to this day he wishes he would have died over there. Sad.

Anyway, please do go get some help from the VA like Jerry said. I can't believe our "gov" expect so much from our troops, but turn their cheek when troops need their help.

The nam thing was a bitch for sure, been there done that, two tours, 66/67

I don't think I have any phys problems as you have, maybe I do.

Is the mental monsters that are killing me, no help from the VA for that crap.

Not a good thing to not have a good nights sleep for going on 40 yrs.

get to the VA, you deserve the benis, goodluck.

Health insurance, mine and my wifes lapesed two weeks ago, dire times,cannot afford a grand a mo.
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Anyway, please do go get some help from the VA like Jerry said. I can't believe our "gov" expect so much from our troops, but turn their cheek when troops need their help.

That is the American way. You should be helping the government out. They do not owe you anything. They paid you for your service. They owe you nothing.

Does that attitude sound familiar?

I went to see my cardio doc a few days ago and explained to him that my Ins ends at the end of the month.

He told me he's more conserned with my health vers the money and told me he'd charge me just 25 bucks for the office visit and give me the meds for free since they have the samples in their office. He already gave me a two months supply no charge.

It's good to know there are doc's out there that aren't in it for just the money. But, it seems there are too few of em.

Bill.....I think my cus has the same thing you do.....they couldn't help him either. But, he's now living in a mental ward out in Ca someplace.....the family said he would be there the rest of his life.
That is the American way. You should be helping the government out. They do not owe you anything. They paid you for your service. They owe you nothing.

Does that attitude sound familiar?

Elaborate please....

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