Your Favorite Christmas Toy (As a Child)

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Posted "Favorite Toys" on 9/9 with overwheming response.

Tis' the season, after all. One gift you remember with cherished memories.

My personal favorite. A "Close-N-Play" record player in 1965. (Aka- phonograph or turntable)

The beginning of a lifetime passion, and business, I have today.

Pushed my lawn mower, to every neighbor's door, to buy the newest LP.

(Stereo versions a dollar more than Mono at under $5)

Today, I'm looking at Audiogon, contemplating a pristine Linn LP-12, ready to spin.

Won't disclose the price. If my parents only knew, what they started.

Second choice, my Schwinn Sting Ray, with the Bendix hub, two speed shifter.

Learned to "wheelie" indefinitely, after numerous bandages, and "road rash".

All in fun, and good times. Happy Holidays.
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Can't think of a fave at the moment, just wanted to let you know you got mail...

Mele kalikimaka, Hauoli makahiki hou!!!
Mahalo HST. Will reply. Thanks.
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I still have my 1972 3 speed Schwinn Sting Ray. Unfortunatly I converted it over to a BMX with Skyway mag wheels when I was a kid, so I don't have the original parts. I'm in process of restoring to old school BMX with original Schwinn decals. Ahh, the memories broken bones and bruises too! :)
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I remember this one as one of my favorites...

Mattell VAC-U- FORM. I still have one. Things like this aren't allowed in todays society.

'07 ST
Talk about an easy topic.

GI-Joe was my toy of choice. It was an addictions which survived. This is my "original" crew.

[Broken External Image]:

I have since added to the bunch :banana:

I'm sure, if you look at the link picture close enough, you will find an old Joe toy from your childhood!

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I grew up on a Wisconsin dairy farm. Any time someone bought a tractor from the local implement dealer, they gave the purchaser a scale toy tractor as a thank you. There were many farmers in the area who had no children, so they would give the toy tractors to other farmers in the area with kids. So even though our family only bought one tractor the entire time I was on the farm, I had quite a collection. The Christmas when I was seven years old, my grandpa gave me a toy barn to go with the tractors, which he had built from scratch. Amazingly intricate detail. About four feet long by two feet tall by a foot and a half wide. Roof panel flipped up to give easy access to both the main level and the hayloft. Because I also had a toy hay baler and wagon, he also made me about 100 "bales" to play with--small blocks of wood, sized to exact scale, half painted green (to be "hay") and half unpainted ("straw"). And a small wood placard on one end with "To Bill, Love Grandpa, 1977" carved into it.

As I got into my teen years, I obviously played with it far less, and it was eventually put into storage. The summer I turned 18, we had a fire at our farm in our storage area, and about 3/4 of the barn was completely destroyed.

A year and a half later, I got a new Christmas present from my Grandpa--an exact replica of the original barn, which he had built from the original plans. The only change: this one included the wood placard from the original barn, recovered in a just-slightly-charred condition from the original barn, on one end; and a new placard with "To Bill, Love Grandpa, 1989" carved into it on the other end.

Needless to say, I still have it. My three kids play with it constantly, and is probably their favorite toy. And Grandpa is still around as well--in September, he and my Grandma celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary. He doesn't do woodworking anymore--his diminishing eyesight won't allow it--but he loves seeing photos and video of the great-grandkids playin with the barn.
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When I was a little girl, I got these dolls called "Baby Alive". They were some of the first dolls that would eat, drink and poop. There was about 4 years when I got a new one, or new accessories for the ones that I have. I carried those things everywhere. My Mother uncovered one not the long ago. It was actually kinda creepy at this point. The mouth still moved in a chewing motion, but the rubber that covered her face had dried and cracked so when she chewed her face cracked. I convinced my mom that I really didn't want to keep it for any sentamental reasons. I told her pictures were good enough.

Bill V - That is an amazing gift that your Grandfather gave you. My Grandparents will celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary. They are my inspiration for a long and happy marriage. My 23 years is nothing compared to theirs.

Merry Christmas everyone.
I would have to say that my favorite Christmas gifts were a couple of Bibles that were given to me. One was given to me in 1982 by my Sunday School teachers, one of which is my dad's first cousin. The other one was given to me by my parents in 1988. I still have them both. In fact, I keep the one from 1982 at work.
re: Your Favorite Christmas Toy (As a Child) by Kimbros,12/16/2009 10:58 ET

When I was a little girl, I got these dolls called "Baby Alive". They were some of the first dolls that would eat, drink and poop. There was about 4 years when I got a new one, or new accessories for the ones that I have. I carried those things everywhere. My Mother uncovered one not the long ago. It was actually kinda creepy at this point. The mouth still moved in a chewing motion, but the rubber that covered her face had dried and cracked so when she chewed her face cracked. I convinced my mom that I really didn't want to keep it for any sentamental reasons. I told her pictures were good enough.


We got one of those about 15 years ago. It still eats, drinks & poops. The mouth still moves on ours, only now it talks back & argues with us...oh no wait that's my obnoxious teenaged son!

As a 70's to early 80's child...

1. Stretch Armstrong

2. Atari 2600

3. wrist slingshot

4. Tonka trucks were actually metal

5. walkie talkies

To name a few
