ZHU ZHU toys on the contamination list, posibly

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I am sold! Lets continue to produce more goods in China. I will be first in line to buy a Chinese car!


I am SOOOO with you. Why we do these things in China and NOT expect issues is beyond me. I understand the concept of out-sourcing and will even agree as to why companies do so.

That does not change how much I hate to see it happen though.

I am guess that Americans will happily for say 2 dollars more for the Zhu Zhu pets to keep jobs here and NOT get poisened...

Got to love it.
Certainly ANYTHING can happen. However, we do have pretty strict standards here that are enforced very well when it comes to safety.

Evidence of this would be recalls for example. A mistake was made, but the manufacture WILL fix or solve the issue.

How many cribs have we seen recalled?

So I will agree that it is not logical to think that nothing will happen, but if it is built here in the USA, we can monitor and maintain the product.

When Japan or China makes a mistake, we have very little to stand on.
I saw these hamster things in the paper as a new fad, and I thought it looked retarded. Beany Babies redux (and those were dumb).

But this Anitmony stuff that they are using, which I find hard to believe is a term for an item as I keep reading it as "alimony" :)rolleyes:) sounds a LOT like asbestos.

Antimony is used in lead storage batteries and sheet and pipe metal, and as a fire retardant in textiles and plastics.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, prolonged exposure to antimony can cause lung and heart problems, ulcers and diarrhea.

Similar uses, similar side effects.

Since it is so similar to Asbestos, and lawyers (ew) here in the US taught everyone the hard way that using carcinogens such as it will cost you, TJR I believe that we would not have similar contamination problems with US made goods.

Also, the US producers would have a lot to loose since they'd be starting up, and they'd have to prove to companies that they are better than their Chinese competition....competition, a necessary element that outsourced asian production really just doesn't have.

Doesn't China have product safety testing similar to Underwriters Labs? :huh:
Doesn't China have product safety testing similar to Underwriters Labs?

If they do, then UL has seriously decreased in standards, considering that it is almost a weekly event of a chinese product recall.

I doubt that their QA is anything but a facade to placate us consumers, since QA costs $$$.

(On this, everything really is made in China...I've gotten "japanese" goods that were outsourced to China, which were supposed to be made in the land of the rising sun, not the sick man of asia.)
The company that's doing the pissing and moaning took a shortcut and used an incorrect method in which to test to nasty for things. Had they used professionally-accepted industry standards to do the testing, they would have found the Zhu Zhu thingies to be within FTC guidelines.

The company that's doing the pissing and moaning took a shortcut

Soes you're saying that they're unfairly biased against China? Well, if that is the case, I can't say it is a horrendous thing, although it is underhanded and uncapitalist.

Still, history is doomed to repeat itself. Zhu Zhu are just beanie babies, redux, only now they're stuck in hamster forms instead of allowing all animals, which sounds even more lame to me.
As far as UL testing. Here in Houston. One news chanell bought 20 various sizes of extension cords from many discount and $1 stores. In lab test none passed the amp load test. They all caught fire.:angry:
Last I seen on the news, everything is OK. The test gave a false positive.

Ungh, that's just pathetic. Did the tester just fail to have quality in its own affairs (irony?) or did they release false information maliciously?

Even though I have no love for the chinese, the latter would just be low :(

It is said that we're becoming (became?) a service economy, and our services blow.
These got here TODAY... well, now my boys can fearlessly play with matches![Broken External Image]:
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