Zocor and back pain

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Brett Hartwig

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2005
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freeport, IL
Anybody have any experiences with Zocor and back/hip joint pain. I take 60mg Zocor for cholesterol and have had recurring lower back and right hip pain for a couple years. Been reading lately about the side effects with chol. meds and am wondering if that is my problem. Any experiences with Zocor?
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Yes most of the cholesterol meds will cause joint pain. You have to weigh the benefits against the pain. Check with the doctor and try something different.
Robert is right, many chol/meds can have those side effects. Never took zocor. Some of them caused me to have more leg and back pain than normal.

From what I have read. It seems some of the newer ones have more side effects. Than the older ones.
I have taken Lipitor for about 15 years and have not experienced any back or joint pain? I have to get my blood tested every 3-4 months to insure there is not kidney damage, but so far it has worked great for me....My cholesterol is about 146...I also take Niaspan which helps keep triglyceride levels down....which also helps keep cholesterol lower.

the zocor has definitely worked, brought my cholesterol from 296 down to 170. Never had so much aches and pains at 296 though. would almost rather have the high cholesterol instead of lying on a heating pad half the day, and no comfortable position to sleep:banghead:

I would go see your doctor and see what he says. It might be the Zocor, or it might be a kidney infection or some other problem that is causing the back pain. If it is the Zocor perhaps the doctor will switch you to one of the other Cholesterol drugs that may not cause you as much discomfort?

Joint pain and back pain can be associated with a lot of other problem. My brother had joint pain that he though was due to lifting weights....Turns out he had cancer and he died in 10 months. I don't wish to alarm you, but the sooner you find out the cause of the joint pain, the better off you will be.

My family doctor tried Lipitor on me and within three weeks, I couldn't walk and was curled up in the fetal position on the couch. Finally my cardiologist put me on Crestor and had me add "Ubiquinol" to go with it. This has the effect of reducing those pains. I've been pain-free for 2 years now. Ubiquinol or CoQ10 must be the "fast absorbing" kind. 200mg, twice a day. I found the Jarrow Formula brand to be the best. And buy it on Amazon, 1/2 the price of the stores(~$34/ 72 capsules). Try the CoQ10 before you go crazy with doctors and whoever. It works, Bob
Bob C,

I also take CoQ10 with my Lipitor. It seems that all Stantin drugs leach an enzyme out of your body that is essential for good heart health.

I get my CoQ10 at Sam's Club and tried other brands and found no difference except Sam's Club was the cheapest. I don't know that CoQ10 does anything for joint pain??? But I never had joint pain associated with taking Lipitor....but meds have different side-effects on different people.

I've been taking Lipitor for about a year. My elbows ache so bad in the morning. It's like I have bilateral tennis elbow. 600 mg of ibuprofin in the morning takes care of it for the day, fortunately.

Are you also taking CoQ10? Perhaps there is some link to CoQ10 reducing or eliminating joint pain as well as maintaining the enzymes needed for good heart health?

For those who might not know about CoQ10, it is a non-Rx, over the counter dietary suppliment found in the vitamin section of most food and drug stores. My doctor has told me to take a 100 mg capsule every morning shortly after I was prescribed Lipitor. That was soon after Lipitor came out on the market about 15 years ago.

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Just got back from my Doctor's appointment (annual physical exam) this afternoon and my Cholesterol is down to 120 from 141 a year ago.

The bad news is that my doctor is convinced I have A-Fib (irregular heart beat with some fluttering) My cardiologist says it's not A-Fib, but I do have an irregular heart beat. So my primary care physician is going to talk to my cardiologist and see where we go from here. I suspect that my cardiologist will want to seem me again. The problem is the irregular beat is is intermittent and it took about 30 minutes for it to show up on the EKG? Not sure who to believe now???


I know the irregular heart beat is not big issue, but my irregular beat is coupled with A-Fib which means one of the chambers is twitching and that can cause the formation of blood clots that can cause strokes and other serious problems. I had a Stress Test about 2 years ago after my regular doctor heard the A-Fib and the EKG confirmed it. When I went to the cardiologist he they had to run the EKG for 15-20 minutes before the irregular beat and A-Fib showed up. He felt it was not a serious A-Fib condition and prescribe Cardizem to help regulate the heart beat. It worked so good that at my last visit, a year later, he said I did not need to see him for 2 years?

That would be the end summer 2013.

Anyway, my regular doctor is going to send the EKG over to my cardiologist and we will see where it goes from there? The typical treatment for minor A-Fib is to prescribe a blood thinner like Warfrin (sp?). I does nothing for the irregular beat, but prevents the formation of blood clots. If the irregular beat is more serious, they can externally shock the heart back into a regular beat, sever some nerves causing the irregular beat, or even install a pacemaker. The good part is that my cholesterol is low and I my stress test showed no blockages.

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Pain from chloresterol-lowering drugs? Been there, have that.

I take two big ol' Niaspans every night. The occaisional hot flashes from that stuff get old. So does paying for it- that stuff is EXPENSIVE...

I also take two Niaspans every night, but I also take an aspirin which helps eliminate the hot flashes, and if they do kick in, I'm sleeping and not aware of it....:grin: My doctor wanted me to take 3 or 4 Niaspans each night, but I only tried that a few times and felt like I was on fire.

I take my Niaspan just before I go to bed, and usually fall asleep before the hot flashes kick in.

talked to the dr's office today, he suggested stopping the Zocor for a couple weeks and see if symptoms improve. Also said I could try the CoQ10, but not right now. In case the problems improve, I won't know what the fix was- no Zocor or starting CoQ10. Will stop the Zocor for now and see what happens. Thanks alot for the replies, I really do appreciate the advice

As I previously said, I am not aware of any link to CoQ10 reducing joint pain?? Perhaps the enzme it replaces for heart health, may also have some beneficial effects on the joints?

I know that my doctor prescribed Lipitor shortly after it came out on the market. Later she told me that studies have found that Liptor (as well as other Stantin drugs) will reduce the levels of some enzyme needed to keep your heart working well. During the few months between starting on Lipitor and later being told to take CoQ10, I do not recall any joint pain...so I never made any connection to the joint pain symptoms?

I have been very fortunate that I have not had many adverse reactions or side effects from any medications I have taken

BTW, Just to clear up any confusion: My previous Primary Care Physician (female) that first prescribed Lipitor closed her private practice a couple of years ago and went to work for the local VA Hospital. I had to locate another Primary Care Physician. That's why I will say "She" one time, and "He" later...:grin:

I think following your doctor's advise it the best course for you right now. If the join pain symptoms to away, then it probably is the Cholesterol meds. A few weeks or months without your Zocor will not increase your cholesterol that much. And if it is a side effect of Zocor, then your doctor may switch you to a different Stantin drug, or perhaps the CoQ10 will help reduce or eliminate the joint pain.

Mark K.

If Ibuprofin works for you, that's great. I don't particularly care for Ibuprofin for anything because it does not seem to work well for me.

Also, There is a little known statistic that I just heard about a few months ago: Emergency Rooms claim that Ibuprofin is responsible for more overdose incidents than any other legal or illegal drug.

And it is very easy to take too much Ibuprofin and it kills. So it's important not to exceed the recommended dosage. You might be able to take double the recommended dose with no problem, but that might kill someone else...and apparently it has.

I take a 325mg aspirin every night too. That helps with the hot flashes, but man I sure do bleed easily!

My doctor switched me to provacor instead of the zocor. That helped lessen the pain, but my chloesterol numbers are going back out of whack again. I'm not really looking forward to going back on the zocor.

High cholesterol runs in my family, and I am not the only one struggling to keep it down. My HDL is very low which causes the LDL numbers to go sky high. I can't seem to get my HDL much about 25 or so, no matter what I do.
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