New here and sayin Hi.

Ford SportTrac Forum

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May 14, 2024
Reaction score
Val Gagne Ontario
What engine do you have?
V6 engine
What year is your Sport Trac?
What Generation is your Sport Trac?
1st Gen Owner
Hey, Brian a 2005 Sport Trac a coupla years ago. Fun little truck that hauls pretty darn well. I retired to 22 acres in northern Ontario last year with my two dogs. Hopin to get some advice here.
Welcome !!! There's plenty of good information here !!!!!!!
Welcome to the site.
Hey, Brian a 2005 Sport Trac a coupla years ago. Fun little truck that hauls pretty darn well. I retired to 22 acres in northern Ontario last year with my two dogs. Hopin to get some advice here.
Welcome, good stuff here...
Hi, Tracs are a amazing truck and if maintained are very durable,,20 years with zero issues with a few mods..This forum has helped me through the journey, great people on here, we have lost a few guys with helpful tips and some of there post are still on here.
Hi, Tracs are a amazing truck and if maintained are very durable,,20 years with zero issues with a few mods..This forum has helped me through thea journey, great people on here, we have lost a few guys with helpful tips and some of there post are still on here.
Curtis, thanks. I really only got the Sport Trac cause I needed a vehicle quick. I got halfway lucky. It's not been abused but was left sitting for some time. Lots of parts replaced in two years but for a small truck it's pretty stout. Considering it's 19 years old, it does amazing work. In 3 days I moved 4 tons of sand with it. Still had all it's balls.
Welcome Brian.
Welcome to the forum, Brian. Lots of great knowledgeable people here, always ready to help out.
Welcome, Its slow here but great help when needed. the FB forums are more active if you have that,

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