Dennis Smink
Active Member
Anyone ever not been able to get the plug out? I am having a bear of a time with the one on my Ranger. I'm afraid that if I put too much torque on it, the transfer case will strip.
Your comment "are you turning the wrong way?" Once I was replacing steering parts on an Oldsmobile and almost ruined the huge nut on the drag link when BAM! I realized I was righty tighty in stead of lefty loosey LOL S___T happens .Don't take this the wrong way, but are you turning it the correct direction ???
Some times on your back things look different...
Todd Z
Darn , why do I do that ? I must pay attention LOL. Thats what they told me in school , your not paying attention. LOL thanks ,.Ill try to be more observant .Jerry, your resurrecting these old posts.... this one is from 2009 !! !!! lol