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    • DKF
      DKF replied to the thread What’s it worth?.
      Not to mention that we’ll be all electric if the globalists have their way. Which will never happen. What is happening is more...
    • DKF
      DKF replied to the thread What’s it worth?.
      It is in the south. My wife was ready to buy a Murano a week ago. I told them give us the price out the door. At the bottom was: $500...
    • DKF
      DKF replied to the thread What’s it worth?.
      Robert’s Automotive in Modesto, Ca. Best Used Car Lot in the US. Price is on the window, no salespeople. Wanna drive it? They take a...
    • DKF
      DKF replied to the thread What’s it worth?.
      Thx Gary, it is a great little truck. They would have figured that out if they’d actually looked at it -which they probably barely did...
    • DKF
      DKF replied to the thread What’s it worth?.
    • DKF
      Here’s a good one…I was browsing around used cars for sale in my area. It occurred to me that I’ve had my truck for 3 years now. It’s...
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