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  1. P

    HELP! Electrical kablewie (blown relay/short/IDK)

    Clean the corrosion from between the terminals. The battery will give you 12+V with a multimeter, but the corrosion prevents current from the battery to turn the engine over.
  2. P

    hydro-gen bolt on

    A guy at work built one of these for his Mercury Marquis. He said it would burn hot, which made the computer think it was lean and add more fuel. There was supposed to be a adaptor for the O2 sensor to help with that situation. He did say he could not really see a difference in the gas...
  3. P

    Pallindromes anyone?

    I took this one at the end of March. I thought it was cool to have straight 2's.
  4. P

    Side step bar refinishing

    Some have removed them completely, others have repainted them. One member bought a gallon of the exact color paint and repainted them. Another member repainted his to match his truck. You could also get someone to Line-X them which thinking about it, sounds like a good idea I may think about...
  5. P

    Traction-Lok Axle

    Lance, have you verified what rear-end you have? You might have a TracLoc rear-end that has worn clutch plates. If your Tag says 3L73 or 4L10, then you do. Then All you have to do is buy a rebuild kit.
  6. P

    Switching Oil

    EddieS'04, I agree with you, however, someone here had a problem with oil loss and Ford told them unless its 1qt/500mi then it is normal.
  7. P

    Switching Oil

    If you want to stay with Petroleum based oil, then I would do 10W-30 at 3,000-5,000 Since you want to think about synthetic, then I would do 5W-30 at 5,000-10,000+ oil changes. Unless you are burning oil more then normal rates (1qt per 500miles) then I would stay with what the...
  8. P

    Spark plug ?

    wayne, you won't be able to put your trac in a situation where you could tell the difference. I would go with the Platnium Motorcraft plug, like what came in it, or a Bosch plug.
  9. P

    Tinting Front Windows

    Arturo, whenI had mine done 10years ago, I told the guy I wanted to match the back glass. He said the tint he put on wasapprox 30% with Titanium in it. I have not had any issues except with passengers.
  10. P

    The Boss is Back!

    I like the different programed keys. Puts a whole new perspective to Valet Key.
  11. P

    Emission Fail

    How was the test performed? Did they just plug their computer into your truck or did they drive it on rollers? If they drove it on rollers, then your emissions was actually tested. Here in GA they only plug in to the truck. I would do as Chad said, flash it back to stock and drive around for...
  12. P

    Gas gauge

    You didn't turn the key to the "O F F" mode. While you might have turned off the engine(ACC mode), you never turned off the Sport Trac. The ECU still thought it only had a little bit of gas and continued as it would have. Once you turned the truck off, you reset the guage in the ECU and all...
  13. P

    Replacing Upper Control Arms

    I wish I would have found that ebay ad when I bought mine. I would have saved $20. hahaha I would look at as well. Unless you have the 'Extra' money to burn, I would do it myself or get a person who can. With $1300, I could buy something else to attach to the Sport...
  14. P

    Sport Trac World Loss

    Wow, I have met him once, but I think we will all miss him around here even if you never met him in person.
  15. P

    Ball Joint Work, Couple of Questions?

    Maybe this will help you: Here are the links to YouTube on how to change them. Back yard Bob: Professional:
  16. P

    Spare Tire

    After reading a post from another member, and his ordeal with the spare tire. I would like to say the operation of lowering the spare tire is terrible. I had a flat the other day when I was out sick with the flu. It must have taken me 1hr to change. I thought I would never get done with...
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    Brings Back Memories...

    Wow, I see Ron Brezina, MonkeyBoy and his Canadian buddy Dale in that pic. I guess I was in the other group.
  18. P

    First oil change in the Adrenalin.... Wanna Punch Some one.... any one.....

    "The computer model showed you can get a hand in that area" Maybe a doll hand.
  19. P

    Engine is dead

    Todd, I did the Ford Reman long block and the final price was $5500. I know it is a little high, but I also got a 3yr/36K mile warrenty with it vs 12mo/12K mile with just replacing the cassettes. Food for thought.
  20. P

    Fan Blower

    Maybe easier and cheaper if you check the Blower motor relay. I have burnt 3 in the last 2 months.