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  1. Doug Kaye

    charging light and problems

    this is driving me crazy.. Last year the battery went bad, (I think) causing the charge light to flicker at random times. Multimeter confirmed wildly fluctuating voltage when the light was flickering. Usually a bad battery will show up as dim lights, hard starts etc, but this one started fine...
  2. Doug Kaye

    windscreen problem

    weird problem - tried to get my windscreen replaced. The paint has come off the bodywork just above the screen seal. There is some surface discoloration but no actual corrosion or rust flakes that I can see. But they refused to replace my windscreen, said there was too much rust to get a good...
  3. Doug Kaye

    best allseasons for snow

    I have the cheap Pep Boys Futura Scrambler tires, they have generally treated me well, quiet ride on highway and do ok in mud. They've been OK in snow, though we haven't had much in Denver the last few years. Yesterday we had the first snow of the year (!) was fishtailing my way home from work...
  4. Doug Kaye

    odd clonk

    was getting the odd clonk from the front L over bumps and dirt roads etc. It was time to rotate wheels anyway, pulled the wheel off et voila ! Easiest diagnosis in my 45 years of wrenching.. the sway bar is clearly not linked. the bolt had rusted down to about 2/3 of original size, and...
  5. Doug Kaye

    brake light mystery

    found my brake lights weren't working, all 3 of them, two rear and the one up high behind the cab. Parking lights and turn signals are working fine. Reverse lights seem to be out too, not sure if that is related or something different. Replaced bulbs at rear, wasn't that. Checked fuses 32 and...
  6. Doug Kaye

    differential cover with drain plug

    I find to my astonishment, changing the diff oil requires removing and replacing the cover. There are aftermarket covers with drain plugs for $300-plus, which is a bit rich. Has anyone tried installing one of the basic drain plugs in a standard differential cover ? There are aftermarket...
  7. Doug Kaye

    2004 4x2 XLS

    147 000 miles so far June 2021 bought at 96 000 in 2017 stock everything except for a 2nd-hand Century topper. Still have the tonneau cover and bed extender. The extender is handy for hauling yard waste, mattresses and other furniture, etc etc. What a great little truck. known fixes so far: -...