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  1. V

    What a rabbit hole ......

    I have been fighting an issue with our 2001 Sport Trac for more years than I can remember. Hot restarting and stalling. No engine light, no overheating, no codes. We avoided being stranded by just driving it during winter cooler months but this was bugging me more than I can say. Having retired...
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    Intake Vac Connector

    I saw this in a earlier post. Where can I find? Thanks
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    Cracked Intake Manifold

    Anyone experienced this issue. I have been doing reasarch and early sport trac's had problems with this. Some I understand was recalled. If you have experienced this how did you finally find the crack aside from the obvious vacuum leak issues with content unstable and rough idle.
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    Intake Gaskets Replacement Findings

    So I'm mid steam with replacing my intake rubber intake gaskets on my 2001 Sport Trac. [See Pictures] I'm a little surprised about the amount of oil around the rubber gaskets. Wondering if this is normal? Engine runs decent but was having an intermittent stalling issue after being parked after...
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    Oil Leaking AC hose

    I have developed a small seepage of oil on the AC hose coming off the back of the compressor. (part # YF3660). I know the AC system has oil for the pump however my question is if I remove this hose off the back of the compressor will the system oil run out of the back of the pump if the pump is...
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    Water Pump Issues causes "back order" at Ford?

    I have a 2001 Sport Trac with 37,000 oem miles. Water pump began to leak out the weep hole. I ordered a new one from Ford parts .com and it is "back ordered" with no delivery date when available. I called and the pumps are not available from Ford directly only from independent warehouse sellers...
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    Ford Vehicle Security System

    Anyone have experience with the factory/dealer installed security system. (F7AZ-19A361-AA) Does it have an ignition kill option? I'm having unexpected engine stalling after several stop and park errands. Is there an easy way to disconnect? It's a 2001 SportTrac. Can it be out of sink and need to...
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    Mystery Stalling Issue Solved ?

    This issue I've been dealing with for over 5+ years with our 2001 Sport trac. No engine light or codes to trace problem. It all began years ago with a miss diagnose of a failing fuel pump by reputable mechanic (I thought). Unfortunately this stalling problem arose again the next summer months...
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    2nd and 3rd slip 5R55E Trans

    Hey Guys; Just wanted to update where I'm at with my 2nd and 3rd slip on my 2001 Sport trac. After receiving my diploma from this website and Youtube [LOL] I was going to do a filter and fluid change but got to thinking these 5R55E's have some built in issues about the 2nd and 3rd slipping...
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    2nd to 3rd slip

    My transmission is beginning to develop a slip between 2nd and 3rd. Called local shop I know the owner and he gave me two options. Local rebuild R/R 1300.00 with a 12/1200 mile warranty. Other option was a Jasper Transmission for 4K and a 3yr/100,000 mile warranty. My Sport Trac is a 2001 two...
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    Alternator Gauge?

    It this a normal reading of my alternator gauge? I have had intermittent stalling issues in hot weather. I read somewhere that a faulty alternator could cause sudden stalling issues. It's a 2001 OEM that came with vehicle. It's not driven a lot but have had a few dead batteries over the years...
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    Fuel Pump Driver Module ???

    2001 Sport Trac manufacture date of 08/00 vin. # 1FMZU67E71UB57739 Has the non-loop fuel rail. Where is the Fuel Pump Driver Module? I have followed wires from PCM down right side of fire wall (nothing) entering under dash (nothing) and then exiting out under front seat(nothing) then along frame...
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    Left turn Stalling , Really?

    I would like to pass an issue I have been dealing with for the past 3 years with our 2001 Sport trac. It has less than 30,000 miles on my wife's grocery getter which we ordered new with all the bells and whistles back in 2001. It first began with a diagnosis of a failed fuel pump in 2015...