0193 engine code

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John Zuber

Active Member
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
Titusville, FL
I have a 2004 with 65K miles which has been trouble free until today. Got a check engine light while driving to work this morning, and after getting home my scanner said ?0193 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor circuit high input?. What?s the most likely problem...sensor? And if not the sensor, what would cause ?high? fuel rail pressure, if that how to interrupt the code description? Am I correct in assuming that a possible partially plug fuel filter would have nothing to do with this, since the issue is at the fuel rail, which would be past the filter? Thanks

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How many miles on present fuel filter? Conjecture on my part, but what if yours isn't flowing normally, causing the fuel pump to work extra hard? Fuel filters are relatively cheap; why not take that out of the equation. Most states now require annual safety/emissions inspection; I change mine at same inspection every other year - works out to about every 25-30K miles.
I have not changed the fuel filter.

Also, I did come across that thread....but was not sure I understood the second post. Looked to me that fuel filter is not a component of possible causes.
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Sounds like it's a sensor issue. Still, if you're at 65K on original fuel filter you're way overdue for a new one. Let us know what your fix is.
Personally, I have over 200K miles on original oem fuel filter. That must say something about the quality of the filtration of the fuel supply where we buy our fuel and where their supply comes from.

I have been wanting to replace my filter for some time but have been too lazy to crawl under to see if I have 2-nipple or a 3-nipple filter. lol

Uncle Bob, I must be Out To Lunch. Who knows, maybe you can get 500K out of your $15 OEM fuel filter. Now we're talkin'!
These fuel pumps are capable of putting out 80+psi. Chances are SLIM that a fuel filter is going to cause your issue but it is good practice to replace it every 30k just to be on the safe side. The moist common cause of this code is indeed the sensor. If that doesn't solve your issue the system gets overly complicated really quick as ther is a seperate module that controls the fuel pump speed based on info it receives from the pcm...all this just to try and keep the pump quiet while the vehicle is idling.
Well, I'll replace the filter this weekend, but experience from other vehicles tells me the filter is probably ok. I'll see what happens and let you folks know...thanks
The sensor on the 04 is easy to replace.....

Todd Z
Todd, I looked at the sensor on my vehicle. It is in somewhat of a tight spot, but no too bad...a few questions though:

I see two small torex bolts...can you give me the torque spec?

Also, there is a larger electrical connection on the front side of the sensor, but on the rear there is a single wire running off the back...what's with that single wire...a ground perhaps? Does it just "push" off a pin?

When I remove the old sensor, am I essentially breaking into the fuel rail? If so I assume I need to be sure the area around sensor is clean.
