Todd Z,
No matter when or where the meet is held, you will not please everyone.
I have attended all 4 national meets and numerous regional meets, and will try to make it to the national meet where ever it is held. If it is too far or at an incovenient time for me, then I propably won't make it, but I won't whine about it or blame the organizers of the event.
The National meet originally started out as a national meet. Ford offered to sponsor the meet if it was held in Louisville, KY. That was for Ford's convenience and they did provide excellent prizes, food and hospitality. However, since then it appears that Ford want's to dictate the dates, the times, the locations, etc and the more Ford is involved in these decisions the smaller the attendence gets each year.
I have always been in favor of moving the national meet to different locations around the country to give everyone an opportunity to attend and not have to drive 1000 miles or more. Would Ford approve of this? I don't think so, but then I don't care if Ford wants to sponsor the meets or not.
I appreciate Ford's generous donations of time and money to sponsor so much of the annual event, however I think that we need to take back control of the destiny of the national meets. Who says we cannot have a national meet because Ford may not be willing to sponsor the event. I'm sure there are other Ford dealers or a regional group of dealers who would love to sponsor a national event.